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Upgrade from MT ver 2.8.15

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 10:11 pm
by w2jo
I have three Hotspot controllers that are version 2.8.15.. These have worked flawlessly now for about 4 years but now one of the computers has failed and I thought I might upgrade the program as well as the computer.

1) I have the v2.8.15 backup file. Is upgrading as simple as loading the new MT version and restoring from the backup?
2) If not, what is involved in an upgrade as far as the data base is concerned?
3) Is there a way to print out the contents of the old backup file in human readable form to use it as a reference in case I have to input all the configuration data again?


Re: Upgrade from MT ver 2.8.15

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 9:51 am
by normis
you should always make "export" (human readable backup file) files together with backup files. the command is "/export file=name" and those can be viewed and even edited in text editors. the backup file is not readable and probably won't work properly on v3. you could restore it on a 2.8, export config, then FTP upgrade (you will probably need a new license key though) and if it fails, use export file to restore config by hand.

Re: Upgrade from MT ver 2.8.15

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 11:36 pm
by w2jo
Thanks Normis.
I have not been able to interpret from the Configuration manual HOW to actually export the configuration files in human readable form.

It seems like the command should be something like
[admin@base]>export file = MT2815last

But that did not work. Or at least I could not find the MT2815last file after I executed the command. I am assuming that there IS one command that can export ALL of the command lines. Is that correct?
Aha! I did find the file in the Router OS file list. I was (mistakenly) thinking that if you were operating Winbox that the file would appear on the Winbox computer folder. My error.

I have now tried to IMPORT the 2.8.15 file into the 3.10 OS but it had an error in line 6 (of hundreds) and ceased running. Seems like it would be useful to have an option that would simply IGNORE commands which did not input and just list the errors so they could be checked manually. As it is I will have to MANUALLY input every non-default command line. But that is better than it might have been.

It does seem like the (VERY) talented programmers at Mikrotik could find a better way for users to upgrade. Even if just PART of the database would properly transfer, if the system gave an error list things could be easier.

Thanks Normis for your suggestions.. They were very helpful!

Any other Helpful hints appreciated!

Re: Upgrade from MT ver 2.8.15

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 8:52 am
by normis
I did not say that it is possible to import the "export" file back into v3.10
(it) won't work properly on v3. you could restore it on a 2.8, export config, then FTP upgrade (you will probably need a new license key though) and if it fails, use export file to restore config by hand
I meant - first try FTP upgrade! If that fails, and configuration is not all preserved, use the export file as a readable Reference to apply settings by hand in the new syntax.

Re: Upgrade from MT ver 2.8.15

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 6:32 am
by w2jo
I used the hotspot setup in 3.10 to set up the basic 3.1.0 hotspot and all went well. I am trying to IMPORT certain sections of my hotspot setup (from 2.8.15) into 3.1.0. For example see the text below. Then I put this in a file named hotspot2815.rsc (sent by FTP to the MT router) and then try to use
file name: hotspot2815.rsc

But when I do this, the 3.10 terminal screen SAYS that the import completed successfully (to a certain point), but, as far as I can tell, data is NOT loaded. What am I doing wrong here? Has so much of the command syntax in /hotspot profile changed that manual entry of each line is necessary?

I am useing what used to be called the "enabled-address" login method. Apparently this has some new name now. Can you perhaps point me to an EXAMPLE hotspot setup using something similar to the "enabled-address" login method? I think a good example will save me many hours.


# jul/02/2008 15:11:27 by RouterOS 2.8.15
# software id = LN25-7HT

/ ip hotspot profile
set default name="default" idle-timeout=1d shared-users=1 mark-flow="hs-auth" \
login-method=enabled-address keepalive-timeout=2m
add name="Feature Test" session-timeout=3h30m idle-timeout=1d shared-users=1 \
mark-flow="hs-auth" login-method=smart keepalive-timeout=5m
add name="guest" session-timeout=1h idle-timeout=30m shared-users=100 \
tx-bit-rate=48000 rx-bit-rate=48000 mark-flow="hs-auth" \
login-method=smart keepalive-timeout=10m
add name="joe" idle-timeout=3d1h shared-users=1 mark-flow="hs-auth" \
login-method=smart keepalive-timeout=5m
add name="members" session-timeout=4h idle-timeout=1d shared-users=1 \
mark-flow="hs-auth" login-method=smart keepalive-timeout=2h
add name="guestlowpe" session-timeout=1h idle-timeout=30m shared-users=100 \
tx-bit-rate=25000 rx-bit-rate=30000 mark-flow="hs-auth" \
login-method=smart keepalive-timeout=10m
add name="memLOWspd" idle-timeout=1d shared-users=1 tx-bit-rate=48000 \
rx-bit-rate=20000 mark-flow="hs-auth" login-method=smart \
/ ip hotspot user
add name="00:02:2D:01:51:21" password="00:02:2D:01:51:21" profile=members \
comment="Joe's Orinoco Gold" disabled=no
add name="00:04:5A:8B:D7:D7" password="00:04:5A:8B:D7:D7" profile=members \
comment="Grogan's Computer Office" disabled=no
add name="00:02:6F:03:A8:BE" password="00:02:6F:03:A8:BE" profile=members \
comment="Jenkin's Laptop" disabled=no
add name="00:50:2C:A5:1E:2E" password="00:50:2C:A5:1E:2E" profile=members \
comment="Jeff's Computer" disabled=no