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RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 9:48 am
by soumaxeridis
I have an installation with several wireless bridges.
All of them are composed of RB411 routerboards running Mikrotik RouterOS v3.10
In one of them, the Ethernet interface freezes (there is no receive on that interface).
The only way to solve the problem is to reboot the routerboard. Disabling and enabling the interface doesn't help.

In the beginning I thought it could be a hardware problem so I changed the RB411 with a new one, but still the same problem persists!

The configuration is as follows:
The routerboard has 1 wireless connection configured as "station wds", 1 ethernet connection, and one bridge interface that bridges the 2 previous interfaces. There is also a "VLAN" that is tied to the Bridge interface.

The problem appears randomly, but it happens quite often, several times per day.
Temporarily I wrote a script to reboot the routerboard when the problem appears.

Does anyone have any idea why this is happening?
Is this a known bug or problem?

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 11:03 am
by Ibersystems
I think you don't upgrade the routerboard firmware. Download it from

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 11:22 am
by soumaxeridis
You are right, I thought upgrading the RouterOS would be enough but it wasn't
I was using firmware 2.12 and I upgraded now to 2.15
I will monitor to see if the problem persists.

Thank you very much for your help!!

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 11:35 am
by Ibersystems
I thin k the ros 3.10 puts the firmware in the routerboard but don't activate ir. You have to make routerboard upgrade in telnet.

You cound see the version in routerboard print.

good luck!

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 11:48 am
by soumaxeridis
Yes that was exactly the case.
RouterOS 3.10 put the firmware 2.15 but didn't activate it until I gave the command:
system routerboard upgrade

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 1:02 pm
by soumaxeridis
I have bad news.
I upgraded the firmware to 2.16 (latest) and the problem still exists!
Any other ideas?

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 1:35 pm
by Ibersystems
I have problems like this with 411s and I fix it upgrading the routerboard firmware to 2.15 and later ROS 3.10.

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 2:07 pm
by soumaxeridis
I have disabled Nstream Framer Policy, which was configured at best fit before and I am optimistic that this will solve the problem.

With extensive debugging I found out the following:

Net2 - Bridge 2 <-------> Bridge 1 - Net1

Bridge2 is the point that has the problem.

From Net1, pinging with big packets (4096bytes) to Bridge 2 there was no problem.
From Net1, pinging with big packets (4096bytes) to Net 2 , I had very big packet loss.
So I concluded that the problem has something to do with the ethernet connection.
Also it only happens with big packets.
My first thought was that Nstream was combining packets to bigger frames, and somehow this was creating a problem. By disabling Nstream, I found out that the packet loss totally disappeared!

I hope that disabling Nstream will also solve the ethernet freezing problem, but I'll just have to wait and see!

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 10:37 am
by soumaxeridis

It appears that disabling Nstream does solve the ethernet freeze problem.
But my wireless connection is experiencing problems without Nstream (very high roundtrip times). So I am forced to use Nstream and unfortunately the problem reappeared.
The ethernet freezing problem also appeared at another routerboard that has the same configuration but at another site.

I am able to reproduce the problem easily, by sending big packets (bigger than the MTU of the ethernet interface which is 1500). After a few packets, the ethernet interface freezes.

Does anyone have any idea why this is happening and how it can be solved?

PS. I have the latest firmware installed (2.16) at the routerboards.

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 6:01 am
by Hellbound
any way to solve this? I have this problem on my RB433 interface

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 11:32 am
by soumaxeridis
any way to solve this? I have this problem on my RB433 interface
yes, disable auto-negotiation of the ethernet interface in both the mikrotik and the switch (or other device) and place the static values, for example 100Mbps full duplex.
This solved my problem

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 8:52 pm
by nolis
It is a problem with autonegotiation between the Routerboard(s) and the switch(es). I have experienced same problems with (many) RB 493 AH and RB 433 AH. After some time and without serious traffic load, suddenly only the Tx seems to work, while Rx is stuck in zero (0). It makes no difference if you disable/enable the ethernet port in Routerboard (I have repeated more than 50 times this method in each rb). It makes no difference if you change port to the switch. It makes no difference if you connect the "crashed" ethernet port to ANYWHERE (another routerboard, switch, ethernet card etc). The specific Routerboard ethernet is simply dead (!!!). All the other ethernet ports are working ok, unless if you try to connect them to the switch where they also "crash" after a few hours. ONLY if you restart the Routerboard the "crashed" ethernet port goes back alive, until the next crash. The crash seems to occure ONLY when you connect an ethernet port (any port) of a Routerboard to a switch. It does not occure with every switch make in the market, so far I have experienced this problem with some 3Com switches. It does not occure with any other appliances so far as I have experienced (like pc-boxes with ethernet, routerboards etc).
A workaround with this problem seems to be a manually setup for the speed of the ethernet AND the switch (if possible,only when you have managed switch). Try 100 Mbps Full Duplex in both devices. In some cases (3com baseline switch like 2948,2924,2916) there is NO solution so far. Even with Routerboot 2.19 and RouterOs 3.22 THE PROBLEM STILL REMAINS!! Of course you see NOTHING in logs, and supout is practically useless since it also shows NOTHING. It is not a matter of "complex" configuration, since by adding 2 ip's in routerboard (one on each ethernet) and a gateway and putting it to work, the ethernet that is connected to the switch crashes again after a few hours.
You can "solve" 100% this problem by replacing the Routerboard with a pc box. As far as I can tell many Routerboard models are affected with this issue, but RB 600 seems un-affected so far. I cannot recommend any other solution for your problem. THIS is a SERIOUS problem....only Mikrotik can find a solution.

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 4:35 pm
by LP
Just wanted to add our experiences.....

We are having a very similar issue. We have RB493AHs that we have been using since it seems we cannot get daughterboards for the RB600s (which have had NO problems for us on probably 30 towers or so). We are experiencing the port lockups, but even more, about 75% of the time that one of the ports lock up the whole router becomes "locked" and a reboot is the ONLY way we can get them stable again. Here is what I have found to cause these lockups:

Plugging in a new piece of equipment (even my laptop to any port)
Rebooting an existing piece of equipment that is plugged into the router (trango back hauls/canopy APs)
Re-inserting a plug (any piece of equipment)

Now, as these things do not always cause a lockup on the port or router, it is more often than not, and any for that matter is too much in the field. Sometimes we can reboot equipment with no problem- the next day or week rebooting the same equipment causes either the port to lock up or the whole router. Funny thing is, I cannot get them to lock up this way in a lab environment.

Some have reported that using lower voltage PSUs (other than the 24V we are using) solved the lockup problem, however, this did not help us even when we used 12V PSUs. I set all the ports on the mikrotik to 100 full at one of our troublesome towers (though, the trango BHs cannot be changed from auto as far as I know). That router locked up last night again....

Hopefully this problem is solved quickly as we basically cannot use these at all with this problem, but they seem to be the only boards available with enough ports.

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 6:54 pm
by fr4
Hi have the same problem,

I have a network of 60 AP-Routers and i use RB500,RB600 and i have over of 20 RB433AH, ALL RB433AH have this issue, the ethernet stop of work , and i must go in the tower to restart manually the Devices... This is a very urgent problem, we have a lot of disservice and ours customer are very furious, we need other radio for expand our network but we can't buy other 433 if this problem not is solved.

It's ridicule that a wisp company have problem in to ethernet connection :(

Please stop to enhance wireless protocol and spend two cents for fix this trouble, because this is very urgent :'(

Bye FR4

P.s. disable autonegotiation not solve the problem

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 6:58 pm
by Hellbound
I think this is related to software.
and not just auto negotiation, we had the ethernet problem,
then another 433AH also had the same problem on WLAN interface.

WLAN1 at 5.8 Ghz if was not communicating in both direction while WLAN2 at 2.4
was communicating.

we had to replace the board with ubiquiti routerstation to get rid of it.

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:10 pm
by fr4
Yes, but this problem seems to be only for 433AH 411H and 493AH that i think is based on same architecture :(
You know if is possible install other OS in this boards ? So i can test if is a hardware problem ...

I think that this boards is very sensible to radiofrequency because in some tower the problem is more frequent


Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 3:53 am
by WirelessRudy
WHAT??? No more posts after 21th of April!

Is this problem now solved? I have the same problem in all its variants seen on several of my rb411's and some 433's.
Also my only two 493AH suffered from it and since some weeks my 2 rb1000's developed the same problems.

It happened in both 3.30, 4.10 as 5b2 + 5b4 ROS versions.

Boards always come back fully operational after power cycle. Not always after soft reboot. (no power down).
The rb1000's have no radio's near them and are in a basement were even my mobile doesn't work any more due lack of signal so it is not a RF problem.

Failing ports DO speak to laptop or switch but not to other routers.
I always upgrade firmware after software upgrade.
All wireless units have MT cards in them, but since it even happens on units without radio's that should not make a difference either.

On the 493A it happened that first one port failed, plugged cable in next port and that worked for some days to fail again. Up to 3 ports lost that way. After power cycle only two came back. Other stayed dead, even for switch or laptop.
Next day, without any reboot, ALL port functions again!

In my opinion this has something to do with the Ethernet ports. Software or hardware don't know.
One vague idea I have is in the direction of bad grounding together with the mixed use of shielded/unshielded utp cables.
But the rb1000's can't even been grounded! According CE norm the 220V power adapter should also be connected to ground but it is not! On several boards we measured 3V low amp over the 12/24 power of the boards and the ground.
Can this have any influence?

But, in the ´old´ days, of rb112's, 133c's, 532A's, 333's and ROS 2.x I never saw these problems?

MT should really start making a solution since it reaches a level I am not willing to cope with any longer....

To switch off auto negotiation and set speed is not the solution, it is just suppressing the fever, not cure the disease!

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 7:16 pm
by adrianatkins
Sounds very similar to the Ethernet lockups on the UBNT Rocket when that came out.

Same Atheros processor isn't it ?

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 8:18 pm
by angboontiong

we have deployed few hundred RB433 out there..
and we found this issue just can solve by reboot it..

We do the stupid way is, using the watch dog to monitor the next ip behind the routerboard.
and, we facing no solution from mikrotik as well...

i believe they are looking at this forum, but nothing they can do as they have no solution on it yet.
btw, may we can looking for alternative way to solve this issue permanently.

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 11:05 am
by adrianatkins
deployed few hundred RB433
Do you have any that *never* lock up ?

You have so many deployed that you must have many different types of installation.

If you can find anything different between the ones that lock up and the ones that do not, maybe you can help Mikrotik find the reason.

Unfortunately Atheros do not release their firmware source code or details of their chips to the Public, and make vendors sign an NDA, so Mikrotik cannot give out any Atheros details.

Personally i suspect that there is either an issue with the Atheros silicon, or bugs in the proprietory Atheros code, or both, that MT either have to work around, or pay Atheros to fix.

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 4:16 pm
by angboontiong
deployed few hundred RB433
Do you have any that *never* lock up ?

You have so many deployed that you must have many different types of installation.

If you can find anything different between the ones that lock up and the ones that do not, maybe you can help Mikrotik find the reason.

Unfortunately Atheros do not release their firmware source code or details of their chips to the Public, and make vendors sign an NDA, so Mikrotik cannot give out any Atheros details.

Personally i suspect that there is either an issue with the Atheros silicon, or bugs in the proprietory Atheros code, or both, that MT either have to work around, or pay Atheros to fix.

yes, we have a lot of them is without the issue since a day one, but when the one having this issue, the only way we can do is, just replace it instead of waiting time to investigate.

just can say that, in 100 board, there may 5~7 unit have this issue, which all the configuration is the same and all is the RB433. suspect, may possible due to the QC issue.

just worry that, seem mikrotik customer getting many and many, the QC may start drop and it creating more and more hardware problem... hope it will not, but.... we facing it now... :(

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 12:12 pm
by dallas
I have the exact issues as you guys do. It is random across the network. I tried a veriety of different versions. Right now I am on 4.11 and the latest boot firmware. I am creating supouts for mikrotik. They dont know what to do. I disable and reenable the ethernet port and it starts working. Otherwise I dont get any recieve packets. As of right now. My network is offline. I cant macping. I just disabled and enabled and it started working. I noticed only the routerboard 433 so far keep locking up. I dont recall any other version having the problem as of yet. This is really anoying. I cant stay up every other night disabling and reenabling. This needs to be fixed now. I cant do business like this.

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 1:31 am
by WirelessRudy
I don't understand why MT is not even letting us know they are working on it!
Some of you guys tell us they even notified support but still no answer from them??

I think we all need to start writing to MT because this problem is becoming very, very anoying!
When will my rb's again freeze???

My business model is based on doing "better" and "more reliable" then the competition. But this way I can't fulfill my promise to my customers.....


Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 2:20 am
by adrianatkins
It will not happen.

MT cannot publicly acknowledge that there is even the possibility of a problem.

If it was a Manufacturing or QC problem, then MT would already have said so and recalled/replaced the boards.

It is much more likely that it is an Atheros Chip fault and/or coding fault originating with Atheros.

MT is bound by Non-Disclosure Agreements with Atheros, and that stops them saying anything.

Remember that the 400 + 700 series *and* all their radio cards are Atheros based, so if MT even hinted at pissing Atheros off by saying there *might* be a hardware problem, then they would be in deep doo-doo.

Ubiquiti found a workaround, and so did Mikrotik. MT's workaround seems to fail noticeably. Mikrotik are probably (hopefully) working on a new workaround for what is probably a chip fab error, but they cannot ask for help from anyone but Atheros.

It is likely that Ubiquiti signed another NDA that stops Atheros giving their solution to MT, unless they pay lots of money for it. A Microsoft-inspired 'reboot it as often as needed' solution isn't such a brilliant workaround though.

It is a real shame that all of the Skill that is out there cannot be brought to bear on the problem, because Atheros has a policy of telling Nobody Anything, despite the popularity of their products.

Basically it *will* get fixed silently in a ROS update in the near future (i hope).

(watch for Normis asking hard about what ROS version you got)

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 2:59 pm
by kirshteins
If you experience problem where RouterOS reports link as running, but traffic cannot be received, try to unplug Ethernet cable. If Link/Act and 10/100 LEDs are still on then there are problems with Ethernet PHY.

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 5:17 pm
by WirelessRudy
I doubt if this has anything to do with Atheros. I have the issue with my rb1000 that has no radio cards in it.
I have two rb411's without radio cards that still have the issue.

kirshteins: If the ethercable gets unplugged the ROS shows "no link", plug it back in link comes up and even speed and duplex/simplex negotiation takes place.

So all parameters show the link is up but still no recieve traffic.

In some occasions I was still able to do a mac ping from a healthy unit to the problem one but noting more. Not even a mac telnet session.
Some units though didn't even allow mac ping....

Once I logged into the rb1000 through another port and did a reboot which then didn't bring the port back alive.
After a power cycle the port came back and worked fine.....

That routerboard 1000 is now running for 4 weeks already without hickups but even writing this makes me fear....... :(

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 5:42 pm
by aaa
Do you have grounded devices at both sides of LAN cable. Check each device ground with this tester ... geType=jpg

I got many troble from LAN connected customers if theirs PC not grounded. It have some 120V AC on PC case ( I have 230AC electricity ) and same voltage on other end of cable connected to my SOHO swich. I restart swichs 1-2 times per week until I make grounding for each PC That's is big puzzle for most LAN ISP

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 6:04 pm
by WirelessRudy

Well I agree. My suspicions are also in that direction. I have been told that if you use shielded cables both end connected devices need grounding anyway otherwise the signal migt become worse instead of better then usage of normal unshielded (and thus 100Mb connection) cables.

So I started doing this and actually in the first time in my live as a WISP started also to ground all routerboards and antennas since I lost several radio's this spring due what I only can think of, static electricity build up.

But in doing so I ran into more problems. According a qualified elec. I also needed to ground battery pack and solar panels in the instances where they were used. And ALL devices, racks, boards, antenna's MUST have their own ´star connected´ ground cable.
He found 3,5V up to 12V potencials between devices all running on 24V. I actually had some shortcust untill we found that batteries and solar panels with their controllers are to be grounded to + where all other equipments and antenna's etc to be grounded on -

He than also found that the rb1000 rackcase are not CE approved. They lack a groundi connection and according proper electric enginering rules the supplied 220V to 24 (or12v?) adapter is not supplied with any ground neither. They should if they would have been European CE approved.

The problem with the rb1000 case is also that they are powder coated, like the rack chassis they are in, and that powder coat serves as insolator.

So what we have done is scratch the rb1000 case and the rack fittings to connect bare metal to the earth wire.
We have done for all devices in the rack and some rb's loose in the box and the batteries are removed from ground since that obviously did conflict with the ground of the routerboards.

To be in short, after this groundings we have the rb1000 running without far
I have to see in the long term, 4 weeks is not so long.

Also, to revert to my earlier posts; the rb1000 having that etherport problem has been running for 3 years continous on a wooden pallet connected to a loadbalancer on one end and a switch with several rb's on the other ports.
No grounding, just unshielded cables. Never had the problems!
(running ros 2.xx at that time.....)

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 9:55 am
by Equis
I had this, MT recommended I replace with an RB600 and that worked.

Something about getting a large packet, 4xx cannot handle

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 11:06 pm
by sullijwiii
I have run into the same isue with the RB433's. I use Engenius 2610's and ran a LAN cable between its port and the ethernet port 2 on the RB. Ethernet one (which also has the POE) has a customers computer plugged into the AC Brick. Ports 1 and 2 have no receive but good transmit. RB's etherent port 3 goes to a Cisco 2960 and is the main path going back to a RB1000 and I have no issues. For ports 1 & 2, I show a matching Tx rate on both. Disabling/enabling didn't help. Part of the day I can ping the Engenius that is attached to port 2 but then I lose it. Even when I can ping it I see only Tx traffic on port 2. I just ried rebooting the RB and it didn't change anything. Even rebooting the Engenius doesn't help. If by chance maybe I have a setting wrong, maybe someone could let me know.


Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 11:35 pm
by dallas
I use ros 3.28 and that solved the problem especially if you use ospf.

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 8:04 pm
by Superdust
I also had this problem now, with several boards.
This is killing my reputation :(

What ROS version and boot is recommended to use?

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 8:07 pm
by dallas
Another solution I found was to remove all EOIP tunnels from you mikrotiks.

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 9:29 pm
by Superdust
Thank you for the tip dallas :)

But on most of my routerboards I do not have EOIP tunnels.

Need help with safe ROS and boot versions real quick here (if this was the solution for most of you?), this is killing me :(

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 10:22 pm
by dallas
Call me anytime. I work quicker over the phone. 402-534-2502 ext 221. That will call work and cell.

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 10:35 pm
by Superdust
Sorry, on a site without phone coverage, but got internet :D

Please share your solution to this problem, what did you have to do?

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 10:49 pm
by dallas
Let me think back to the past. My ethernet ports were locking up randomly. Wireless and routeros was working but ethernet was crashing. I kept trying different versions of software. 3.28 it stopped. Just recently I upgraded all my rb411s to 5.0rc10 and I do not have any ethernet issues. However I think your issue is probably one of these things. Please try some of them.

1. Replace cable with new rj45 ends
2. Upgraded to the very latest 5.0 and make sure the boot loader is the latest. I think 5.0 automaticly does this. You can check.
3. Very important. Make sure no power source/power lines are within a foot of the ethernet cable. There is a EMF field. Based on the length of the cable and the amount of electricy going through the cable. It will cause you ethernet issues.
4. try half duplex and 10mbps.

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:00 pm
by Superdust
Thank you, will try latest 5.0 and upgrade to latest boot an a couple of the problem boards to see what happens.
Thanks again!

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:07 pm
by dallas
After all those options if you still have the issue. It is possible the internet port is bad. That can happen if in the past it got a surge from the power lines. But I think if you do the list I gave you. You will get it working.

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 1:39 pm
by Superdust
Tried Latest 5.0 with latest boot.
Tried 4.17
Tried 3.30
Tried 3.28

All the same.
I have several units this keeps happening to.
Some are brand new, some about a year old or so.
I`m really lost on what to do here :(

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 5:27 pm
by rodolfo
I have similar problems, due to interference in FM towers.
Is this your case ?

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 9:12 pm
by dallas
Try this test out. I just had this. My tech was not able to fix this customer. I went to the customers location. I found signal -80/-80 at 4 miles away. I moved the same radio from the roof in the yard. I got -59/-60 signal. I ended up finding that they did remodeling in the house. Every time they turned the light on. It would make the signal go down. What is happening is they have a short in the wire that is creating a 50ft emf field around the garage. Have the customer put the radio on the pole and they work now.

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 9:44 am
by Superdust
I have done some testing, and it seems to be SNMP packets making them freeze.
SNMP syslogs and traps, going through management VLAN, these are sent as ethernet broadcast.
Some times when a lot of devices reports errors at the same time, these SNMP broadcasts reach 5000PPS.
And this seems to make a lot of the Mikrotik equipment freeze up.

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 2:12 pm
by kirshteins
Superdust, please send supout.rif file from this router to

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 6:14 pm
by vectieba
I have a similar problem. I have two RB433's on the same tower with an ethernet cable running down to a switch linking them together. I also have an ubiquiti airgrid unit on the same tower. When I ping the airgrid from rb433 nr1 it pings fine but when I ping the airgrid or rb433 nr1 from rb433 nr2 then every 50 packets or so I get 3/4 packets lost. I have replaced the network cable as well as tried the other ethernet ports on the routerboard and switch but the problem remains. Tomorrow we will replace the routerboard completely and see what happens.

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 6:49 pm
by dallas
If your test don't work,learn and buy a emf tester. Its cheap and will teach you so much. Or just buy shielded cable and make sure you ground the cable.

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 11:24 am
by WirelessRudy
If your test don't work,learn and buy a emf tester. Its cheap and will teach you so much. Or just buy shielded cable and make sure you ground the cable.
What is an "emf" tester?

Question about cables. Up to now I only use non-shielded cables. Partially because my supplier also tells me when you you shielded everything in the line, including boards etc. has to be grounded properly to good ground. If not the use of shielded cable is actually worse then non-shielded.

Since good grounding is a problem in the very dry climate I work I am a bit reluctant in use it.
What is your opinion?

Also, off course in shielded cable you need to use shielded RJ-45 connectors. They then connect to the ground of a routerboard when attached to its port?
I have had two occasion where board was not grounded and by fitting a shielded cable the connector actually ´burned´ its self to the port! It looked like a shortcut to me, which I can't understand how it happened?

When I measure with a multimeter, I measure the -12 (or -18/-24) of the adapter/battery power on the metal outside of the RJ-45 port by using powerfeed by the jack input.
If I use non-shielded PoE power through the PoE port I don't measure any power on the metal of the port?
If the ground of the jack connects to the ground of the board connects to the metal of the port, why is this not the case when I use PoE without shield?

Any insights in this?

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 11:15 pm
by alexandro
Hi ,

Man i face these problem before all what i do was to remove the full duplex check from interface ether1 Ethernet .

Good luck

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 10:22 am
by vectieba
Replaced the routerboard but still the same problem. :(

Will install shielded cables with grounding next and let you know what happens.

EMF is electromagnetic fields which is caused by electrical cabling. Basically it creates a magnetic field around the cables and this might cause problems on the data cables. Shielded cables are supposed to help against this problem

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:24 pm
by dallas
you must ground the shielded cable or it does nothing.

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 6:14 pm
by Ibersystems
Rudy, don't connect nothing to ground.

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:14 pm
by dallas
If you uses shielded cable. Its does not shield unless it is grounded. You can use shielded rj45 ends. Then if you poe supports grounding, it will shield.

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 12:49 am
by Ibersystems
But... If you don't have a good ground, then you'll have more problems.

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:20 am
by WirelessRudy
you must ground the shielded cable or it does nothing.
I all that really true?
I agree that shielded cables has to be grounded, otherwise they don't work as being a Gigabit cable (Cat6)
But to keep emf out the shield by itself only should be doing something... Maybe not the best but better than nothing?

The shield act as a ´cage of faraday` and such cage also functions without grounding..... proof is a car that is a perfect shield against electricity (lightning strike!) and inside a container on a trailer your mobile phone or wifi device has almost no more receipt of any signal... in both instances perfect insulation from the earth!

So although your statement is right in the first wordings the last two words are not completely true imho.

Reason to start this discussion:
I use many CPE's with plastic housing, some suggested to use shielded utp cable to bring the earth inside the clients house where the shield could be connected to any part of the house earth grid.
But many houses in my region are very poor earthed themselves and some are all wood! Earthing consists out of a earth network connected to a simple copper rod driven 15cm (!) into the powder dry soil!
Would it now makes no sense at all to earth CPE's, cables etc? or is some shielding better than nothing? Or maybe it is even worse in this case!
(One electrician keeps telling me that the use of shielded UTP cable while not properly grounded is actually worse than using normal unshielded cable.....9

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 2:42 am
by dallas
That's fine. I suppose that's also true in certain situations. I use emf testers so I know that shielding will or will not fix the issue. Thanks for your input.

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:31 pm
by vectieba
Woohoo! Found the problem, but it was not the routerboard and not the shielded cabling. We have two rb433 and two ubnt airgrid m5's on this site. For some reason I can not understand, the ubnt's was causing the packet loss. After disconnecting the ubnt's from the network the packet loss was gone. :lol:

Very strange but at least I found the problem. Thanks for all the help guys!

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:01 pm
by dallas
Yep 2 of my friends had this issue. How I made this work is make sure every ubnt unit has a mikrotik on each side of the ubnt unit and that your in routing mode. Also make SURE that the ubnt is in STP mode.


Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:48 pm
by WirelessRudy
But... If you don't have a good ground, then you'll have more problems.
missed this post of yours...
we talk about utp cable here wasn't it? Anyway, I have been told the same. Better no ground than poor ground for Gigabit cables.
But what is ´good´ ground and what is not? Even some houses in same are very poor grounded. And any installation (tower, mast) on a shed or just on the dry soil has poor ground isn't it?

In my country of birth soils are almost always wet and the groundwater level is never far. But here in Spain?

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 3:53 pm
by vectieba
Yep 2 of my friends had this issue. How I made this work is make sure every ubnt unit has a mikrotik on each side of the ubnt unit and that your in routing mode. Also make SURE that the ubnt is in STP mode.

Thanks a Million, I enabled stp on the ubnt and now the packet loss is gone! :D

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 7:44 pm
by rodolfo
Do you ground at both ends or only to the top ? (or to the bottom?)

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:51 am
by masoud
I use all the solution but not working,at the ed I change 24 v POE wiht 12 V and it's working

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:55 am
by masoud
I try all the solutions,just when I change 24 V wiht 12 V POE the ehternet port go alive.

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 6:37 pm
by dallas
how long is your cable going to the cpe from poe?

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 8:35 pm
by ralphy351

Just wondering if there has been any progress on this particular quirk, as i am having a similar problem with an RB411, and have so far tried every solution described in this thread except sheilded cable and shielded ends, and have had no luck.

The RB411 in question is being used as the client side for a 5km link, and has a wrt54g running ddwrt hanging off the ethernet port and refuses to autonegotiate with it, only producing a fast blinking light on whatever ethernet port on the wrt its plugged into, only solution i have found so far to maintain a link is manually set it to 10mbps and turn autonegotiate off on the wrt and the mikrotik, however the rx pair still drops every few minutes, one difference however is i can disable and enable the ethernet port in question from my end and this brings the port back to life, until the next drop.

Am considering upgrading the client to a RB532, but if theres a fix available or in the works id be glad to hear it.

Kind regards

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 11:50 pm
by dwenzel
Got the same issues. For the first time on RB433 and then on RB333. Always it was in hand with changing the machines on the other side of ethernet cable. After reading this thread I switched the ethernet ports on RB to 10MBps half duplex and now it works again !

There is a necesary thing about it - reboot the RB after this change

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 10:15 pm
by dwenzel
So... after few days of testing I must say, that this was not the solution :(

Someone has any news about this ?

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:27 pm
by rado3105
I have the same problem on device running dual nstreme.
RB433ah as ap is allright. As client, I have two r52 cards, dual nstreme 5ghz, newest routeros, bootloader(also tryed older versions).
I changed the board(for another rb433ah), changed cable(also connectors), changed ports, power supply(is 12V).
Netwatch in log shows that wireless part is ok, it freezes just ethernet. It freezes randomly, usually once a week. After freezes it needs power cykle.

The last thing I tryed now is disabling auto negotiation on both side and see if it happens.
How did you solve this problem? Or does it still persists? It seems that this is just problem with big packets(I have other rb433ah on site, withou nstreme, also more bandwitch going through and they dont freeze).

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 10:37 am
by rado3105
Mikrotik please react. Do you sleep?

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 11:59 am
by angboontiong
Mikrotik please react. Do you sleep?
This issue is more than 1 year i believe...
as till now still no solution yet...

The most likely should be the Ethernet chipset issue...

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 12:14 pm
by rado3105
I turned on autonegotiation and no packet loss, and no eth up, down.
But with turned autonegatiation routerboard will reboot once and more time a week(freeze and I must switch it off from electricity).

Time to change for better products UBNT and ROCKET????
What mikrotik, are you able to react?

Is that problem of rb 4xx or also rb800?

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 10:42 am
by qverty2012
Yep 2 of my friends had this issue. How I made this work is make sure every ubnt unit has a mikrotik on each side of the ubnt unit and that your in routing mode. Also make SURE that the ubnt is in STP mode.

Thanks a Million, I enabled stp on the ubnt and now the packet loss is gone! :D
what is STP?????
Pls help!!!
Because i have the same problem and cannot find the solution

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 2:06 am
by Lakis
STP=Spanning Tree Protocol
STP or RSTP is not going to change noting
also hire same
I send and send and send about that problem
no answer from mikrotik.
guess mikrotik is in sleep mode :)

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 11:45 pm
by Afanas
I am having similar behaviour...

Harware on both sites --> Routerboard 435G + R52hn + Gigabit Poe Injector

The wireless part uses protocol nv2 with nstream enabled
Both routerboards are running Ros 5.18
Both routerboards are connected to Cisco routers on via ether 1
The cables are cat6 sftp grounded on the data-room side.

Firstly, i had the routerboards configured as ap-bridge and station-bridge, but once every 2 days, the one or the other routerboard would loose Ethernet connectivity (transmit ok but no receive)..
Only a reboot would solve the problem.

I then changed the configuration and seted up the good old station-wds mode bridge but the symptom persists...

Is there anything else i can try?
I cant find anything in the logs...

After many years of routerboards, many bad capacitors and now this....

Any suggestions?

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 2:20 am
by rado3105
try to put between those two routers some basic switch. I did it and it works now. It seems to be problem of rb 4xx connected to each other and when big packets go through(nstreme), I tryed everything else, nothing helped, just this....some switch for I plan to change one of rb for alix board....

Re: RB411 Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 1:53 pm
by lyxnafis
I had the same problem on my RB411. It just appeared a few days ago after 3 years of normal (Ethernet at list) operation.
After some research I discovered that the problem was triggered by teamspeak ( installed on a pc by my son (I have a P2P connection).
From what I understaind, teamspeak is doing some kind of streaming that produces "unacceptable" to RB frames.
I uninstalled teamspeak and the problem is gone -hope for ever...
Although, I believe Mikrotik should have had some kind of immunity mechanism to prevent interface crash...

(ROS 5.20)

Re: RB411L Ethernet Freezes (No receive)

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 9:16 pm
by amishh900
We are recently deploying Radio link on RB411L With R52HN Card after installing the link entire network get hanged how ever on the same location and setup we have deployed Radio link With RB411 With R52H Card since last two years it is working fine , After deploying the new link on RB 411L we are facing that network get hanged and this has happen with all the link where we have deploy RB 411 WITH R52H Card which was working fine also on same antenna new Link does not get estlabish which was previosuly used by old radio ,We have to do lot of alignnment .Can any one suggest what could be the problem as all possiblity on RB 411L Card has been taken care like disabling auto negotation setting the link on half duplex but still after 2 to 3 hrs we have to reboot the radios .