From my main tower, I have 8 different towers to feed in the 5Ghz range. We use 5.275 to 5.325 at our towers and 2.4, so I have the 5.4upper to 5.8 to use for BHs and there are a couple other carriers in the area, so I have to be very efficient.
I of course, use different polarities where I can, but my question is this...
Is there a maker of radio cards that work with the Mikrotik that get more Bandwidth per Mhz? more than getting 20 Mbit of bandwidth out of 20Mhz of spectrum?
Some of my towers have peaks where they are getting close to saturating my current BH's, and I need to plan for the near-future. 75% of our traffic (at least) is customer download, so I have to think in terms of that. Trying to squeeze a little bit more out of 802.11a seems like not the way to go.
differnt technologies use more efficient methods and that is the kind of card I want to implement in the Mikrotiks.
Any PROVEN suggestions?
Paul, PDMNet