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Netinstall of 3.11 on x86 (WRAP) - can't MAC Telnet in?

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 7:56 pm
by bradg

Last night, I had to do a fresh install of v3.11 x86 on a Compact Flash card (WRAP board). It installed fine, and I could see the unit as a neighbor in Neighbor Viewer on WinXP, as well as from another MT unit on the same LAN.

However, when I went to MAC Telnet in (from WinXP or MT), I was prompted for username and password as normal (admin, blank password), and the connection simply timed out and dropped.

After several Netinstall's and some real confusion, I connected to the unit via the serial console, and was able to login immediately as admin with a blank password.

Having gained access, as soon as I assigned a password to admin, *then* I could MAC Telnet in.

I'm mainly wondering if this is a bug, or an intentional change in behaviour from previous versions of ROS? I know I've been able to MAC Telnet without a password on the admin user in the past, even fairly recent v3 releases - I'm just not exactly sure when this changed.

This issue or change in behaviour did waste quite a bit of my time last night, as I was trying to repair a unit on a tower that was damaged. My original plan was to put the board and a fresh CF install on the tower, have my climber put it up, and I would configure it via the Ethernet from the ground once it was powered up. However, it's a good thing I checked the ability to log in *before* it went up 170 feet in the air, or it could have wasted even more precious time.


Re: Netinstall of 3.11 on x86 (WRAP) - can't MAC Telnet in?

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 3:21 pm
by sergejs
MAC-Telnet is not reliable, it should be used only for the first start-up, to make it more reliable it's better to run network, router --- computer [without additional devices, especially if there is MAC-Winbox or MAC-Telnet there].
All additional Network cards should be disabled.