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proxy load balancing

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 12:01 am
by clonatrollista
I have an MikroTik box which routes client traffic and also multiple dedicated Squid cache servers. I want to redirect all the HTTP traffic that goes trough the MikroTik box to the Squid servers in a load balancing manner. I don't want to forward the HTTP traffic to only one Squid server, but I want a round robin forwarding. Some requests should go to Squid1, other requests should go to Squid2... and so on.

I've read in the documentation that RouterOS can be configured with a WebProxy which also supports a parrent proxy to be configured. But I haven't read anything about multiple parents. Squid supports multiple parent servers with a round-robin request distribution between the partents, for example:
cache_peer parent 8080 round-robin no-query
cache_peer parent 8080 round-robin no-query

Can the RouterOS WebProxy be configured in a similar way, with multiple parents?

Any other suggestions on how to load balance the HTTP traffic to all my Squid proxies?

Re: proxy load balancing

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 7:01 am
by proa
No, is not posible. Mikrotik not use squid for proxy cache. Redirect width Mikrotik in transparent mode for 1 Squid server, then, these Squid make Round Robin or weight with others Squid.
Best Regards