Let me prefix this by saying that this is my first experiment with 900Mhz equipment, up until now I have extensively used 2.4Ghz and 5.8Ghz in a full range of Mikrotik, Ubiquity and Senao products.
The main question I have is that I would like some sort of confirmation or negation by experienced users:
Is it, as I've heard/read, a BAD idea to put an SR9 card into the same enclosure as an operating 2.4Ghz card?
Is the same true for 5.8Ghz?
Right now I am experimenting with my SR9's on RB411H boards, but I am thinking about moving the antenna and radio to another board on the tower side so that I can reduce tower clutter. Obviously, I don't want to cause any interference with existing radios.
Another thing I'm curious about is signal levels. With a noise floor of -98dB, should -86dB signal be enough for a reliable connection? According to radio mobile, the link is good:
and indicates that I'm 9dB over the 99.8% reliability margin:
See 3rd attached image for link tool details.
Predicted signal is -82dB, but I'm losing an additional ~4dB due to foliage (it was expected). At the moment, one of my cards has a weak transmitter and is being received at only -93dB, so I can't tell if it's going to be stable through experimentation - plus, I'd like feedback from experienced 900Mhz users.
Thanks in advance!