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SOLVED : Looking for a tool to use Wake-On-Lan...

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 1:53 pm
by CGirardy
I'm looking for a Wake-On-Lan tool that can work with TheDude.
I'm using Wolcmd but it doesn't accept a MAC address with : in it (only xxxxxxxxxxxx and not xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx)
I've tried mc-wol but it doesn't work for me

Does anyone know a good command line tool that can work please or a way to remove the : in the mac address before passing it to Wolcmd ?

Re: Looking for a tool to use Wake-On-Lan...

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 12:46 pm
by brakimienia
I'm using Wolcmd but it doesn't accept a MAC address with : in it (only xxxxxxxxxxxx and not xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx)
Does anyone know a good command line tool that can work please or a way to remove the : in the mac address before passing it to Wolcmd ?
Try running wolcmd via batch file (i.e. wol.bat) with code below
@echo off

set MAC=%1
set MAC=%MAC::=%

wolcmd %MAC% %2 %3 %4

Re: Looking for a tool to use Wake-On-Lan...

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 1:14 pm
by CGirardy
Thanks a lot,
Works well if I type it in a DOS box but doesn't work from TheDude.
Here's the command line I have created :
C:\Softs\wol\wol.bat [Device.FirstMacAddress] [Device.FirstAddress]

But it doesn't seem to work when started from TheDude.
Any idea ?

EDIT : Found the problem :
It doesn't accept the [Device.FirstMacAddress] variable
Using the [Device.MacAddressesColumn] variable works.... :D :D :) :D :lol: 8)
That's really great.
Thanks a lot for your help

Re: Looking for a tool to use Wake-On-Lan...

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 1:21 pm
by brakimienia
Thanks a lot,
Works well if I type it in a DOS box but doesn't work from TheDude.
Here's the command line I have created :
C:\Softs\wol\wol.bat [Device.FirstMacAddress] [Device.FirstAddress]

But it doesn't seem to work when started from TheDude.
Any idea ?
Are you using full path to the wolcmd program in .bat file?

Re: Looking for a tool to use Wake-On-Lan...

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 1:33 pm
by CGirardy
Are you using full path to the wolcmd program in .bat file?
I have also added the full path to the wolcmd program in the batch but it's the [Device.MacAddressesColumn] variable that did the trick :)
Thanks for your help

Re: SOLVED : Looking for a tool to use Wake-On-Lan...

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 1:27 pm
by marushka
I don't excatly understand that wol.bat file, can you please give an example. I'd like to ping address for example, mac od the interface I'd like to ping is: 00:0C:42:14:1B:0F.
I'm not sure about the sintax, can you please show me the command.

Thank you!;)