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Mikrotik 2.8.18 PPPoE server + web proxy !! troubles

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 12:40 pm
by maroon
I've setup a pppoe server on Mikrotik 2.8.18, and I've enabled the web-proxy.

on the clients side I enabled the proxy server... my clients r working properly but no cache hits on the proxy or clients connected to the proxy server while the clients are using the browser without having any problem.

it seems that the clients bypassing the proxy server on mikrotik !!what's really goin on?


Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 10:01 am
by ripunjay
try to put a ds-nat rule in firewall
so that everyone is forced to used the web-proxy for all outbound port 80 (http) traffic

/ip firewall dst-nat add dst-port=80 dst-address=![ip of your mikrotik] src-address=[ip pool of your clients] protocol=tcp action=redirect to-dst-port=[port number on which your web-porxy is working on the mikrotik]

you will need to make sure that the transparent proxy is tricked on in your web-proxy setup

please recheck with the manual in the web-proxy section.
