I made simple configuration of internet access limitation at our client (tour & travel company).
So, the users can only access something that related to their job (browsing *limited*, YM and MSN).
They (div_ticketing) can browsing sites that already listed in list_ticketing.
But i have problem with Skype!!! I'm stuck with this about 6 hours...
I tried add skype server IP but too many, either with ports (skype doesn't use static port), then i test L7 protocol "skypetoskype" but i still can not open the Skype.
I think the key is Skype connection need established, then
2 ;;; Accept established connections
chain=forward action=accept connection-state=established
will allow others...
Any idea to solve this?
[admin@MikroTik] > ip firewall filter print
Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid, D - dynamic
0 ;;; Allow OpenDNS
chain=output action=accept dst-address=
1 ;;; Allow OpenDNS
chain=output action=accept dst-address=
2 ;;; Accept established connections
chain=forward action=accept connection-state=established
3 ;;; Accept related connections
chain=forward action=accept connection-state=related
4 ;;; Jump to services chain
chain=forward action=jump jump-target=services
5 ;;; Drop invalid connections
chain=forward action=drop connection-state=invalid
6 ;;; Drop everything else
chain=forward action=drop
chain=services action=accept src-address-list=div_ticketing dst-address-list=list_ticketing
dst-port=80,8080,3000,443 protocol=tcp
8 ;;; DIV. TICKETING - Allow YM
chain=services action=accept src-address-list=div_ticketing dst-address-list=list_YM
9 ;;; DIV. TICKETING - Allow MSN
chain=services action=accept src-address-list=div_ticketing dst-port=1863 protocol=tcp