Hi guys
Is it possible to setup a script or something which will monitor the network and send an sms to the technicians if a highsight goes down? Will the dude help?
Sir what if ISP has high ping and/or slow internet connection and not totally down. how to send also notification via sms sir?Hi -headstrong-
I use net Netwhatch to send sms when highsight is down or up, to do this set your host IP Address and intervals to 00:05:00 , timeout to 5000
Add this to Down section:
:log info "*************************"
:log info "* --- High sight One Down --- *"
:log info "*************************"
:local phonenumber { "+27821234567"; "+27828901234"; "+27847871234"; }
:local message "--- High sight One Down ---"
:foreach r in=$phonenumber do={
:put ("Sending SMS to " [:tostr $r])
:log info ("Sending SMS to $r")
/tool sms send usb3 [:tostr $r] message=[:tostr $message]