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X86 clock issue

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 8:43 am
by normis
If there are still people with faster Clock/Time in X86 on v3.17, please contact support, we have a new test package for you.

Re: X86 clock issue

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 11:18 am
by bugtoo
On 3.17, i did not experienced clocking issue yet. Uptime is 4 days and two main problems with multi cpu did not appeared yet:

- Clocking
- full cpu usage after few hours

I am running a 4 core Intel Xeon on IBM HS21XM. So i presume those two problems were a side
effect of something that have been fixed on 3.17.

Anyway, i still have some occasional wrong statistics on Interface page (it shows absurd
number of packets/bandwitdh per interface). Restarting winbox will make things ok.

The only "regression" problem with X86 still open is USB booting. Since version 3.5 (with 3.4 was ok), USB does not boot correctly if it is the only boot device istalled on the system. If I add one more drive (any, sata, sas, scsi), it will boot correctly. So I suspect there is some kind of probing at boot that reboots the machine, making booting failure. What do you think?

Re: X86 clock issue

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 11:19 am
by normis
about USB boot problem, did you see changeip's post here? ... 97#p138497

Re: X86 clock issue

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 11:47 am
by bugtoo
Yes, but this is not the case. The board can perfectly boot from this USB 4GB drive, as even ROS 3.4 boots correctly.
Starting from 3.5, to boot from USB drive, I had to add one more drive (like a sas or scsi disk, even if not supported on ros). If I do that, it will boot correctly *from* USB. My guess is that starting from 3.5, ros makes some kind of probing on BIOS boot drives and if none are found but USB, kernel panics and machine reboots.
This problem is present on all IBM and HP boards and several posts can be found about it on this forum.

Since April, I gave to support my avaiability to give full access to such hardware, (remote KVM and also remote serial). It is quite easy, since it is IBM blade. Let me know how I can help.

Re: X86 clock issue

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 7:16 pm
by alex_rhys-hurn
I have seen the USB boot problem on the HP ML110 Server series....

USB Boot then just tries to load a kernel panics and dies...... This form a 32MB usb stick

Re: X86 clock issue

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 5:47 am
by dankerr
I have seen the USB boot problem on the HP ML110 Server series....

USB Boot then just tries to load a kernel panics and dies...... This form a 32MB usb stick
By any chance, does that HP have a LILO management adapter?

Re: X86 clock issue

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 7:17 am
by alex_rhys-hurn
The server was an HP ML110 g5 series machine.

This machine comes with a riser slot for the Lights out card, but the card is not present. I dont know if that means that there is still some chipset on the mobo or if there is nothing present at all.....



Re: X86 clock issue

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 10:03 am
by dankerr
The server was an HP ML110 g5 series machine.

This machine comes with a riser slot for the Lights out card, but the card is not present. I dont know if that means that there is still some chipset on the mobo or if there is nothing present at all.....



I've not had an ML110 G5 in front of me to know for sure (all of the HP we have currently are G4 or older). On many of the older HP/Compaq, iLo was there (in part or whole) even if you didn't purchase it. I have seen others (both iLo and Dell DRAC) that have issues with the "shared nic" options and any remote USB emulation (floppy or USB).

Just recently when trying to image several Dell PE2950's for a project, we had a issues booting anything USB. In the end it turned out to be the DRAC; once it was removed USB booting was normal. Most likely it was the "virtual floppy" and "virtual cd-rom" that the DRAC creates.

Re: X86 clock issue

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 10:34 am
by alex_rhys-hurn
Ok, well thats an angle that I hadnt thought about. Let me fiddle.

Although the machine was detecting and booting from the USB stick, but just kernel panicking after a few seconds. (when about 50% of the dots have zoomed by.)



Re: X86 clock issue

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 9:29 am
by pokeman
HI There

i have issue system clock they reset every day 00:00 and the time was default Jan/11/2004

Re: X86 clock issue

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 9:41 am
by normis
HI There

i have issue system clock they reset every day 00:00 and the time was default Jan/11/2004
that's something else. please use a NTP server to synchronize the time

Re: X86 clock issue

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 12:42 pm
by pokeman
can you guide me how to setup NTP and sync with system time

Re: X86 clock issue

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 12:44 pm
by normis