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"limiting address per mac" on Small Hotspot
Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 7:54 pm
by jo2jo
Im running a small hotspot system on 2.9.51 system with hotspot and radius for it via with a separate radius server. Everything works fine.
However sometimes in the remote logs i'll see "limiting address per mac" what does it mean?
here is the exact log entry: (there will be several sometimes from different ips from my ip pool.)
01-16-2009 11:48:34 Local7.Debug hotspot,debug Hotspot Main--: hotspot1: dynamic host 00:1C:B3:C1:58:8F/192.168.xx.11 added, ip 192.168.xx.11
01-16-2009 11:48:34 Local7.Debug hotspot,debug Hotspot Main--: hotspot1: dynamic host 192.168.xx.215 [b]removed: limiting addresses per mac[/b]
Re: "limiting address per mac" on Small Hotspot
Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:23 pm
by doush
Im running a small hotspot system on 2.9.51 system with hotspot and radius for it via with a separate radius server. Everything works fine.
However sometimes in the remote logs i'll see "limiting address per mac" what does it mean?
here is the exact log entry: (there will be several sometimes from different ips from my ip pool.)
01-16-2009 11:48:34 Local7.Debug hotspot,debug Hotspot Main--: hotspot1: dynamic host 00:1C:B3:C1:58:8F/192.168.xx.11 added, ip 192.168.xx.11
01-16-2009 11:48:34 Local7.Debug hotspot,debug Hotspot Main--: hotspot1: dynamic host 192.168.xx.215 [b]removed: limiting addresses per mac[/b]
I guess your users are sharing their usr/pass between themselves. Not sure but, when a duplicate username/pass reaches the router at the same time when that user is online this happens.
Re: "limiting address per mac" on Small Hotspot
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 12:49 pm
by SurferTim
A couple things can cause this. Hackers can cause this by trying to duplicate a logged-in user.
The usual way is using an AP between the hotspot and your clients. All clients show as the mac of the AP. The default setting is 2 addresses per mac. So 3 clients and someone is thrown off. If you want to continue to use the AP, then you can see and change this setting here:
/ip hotspot
print detail
set X addresses-per-mac=250
Re: "limiting address per mac" on Small Hotspot
Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 6:17 pm
by vivisiska
that mean just one mac can connect to you hotspot
you canajust it as hotspot setup on server menu
Re: "limiting address per mac" on Small Hotspot
Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 11:12 pm
by miahac
This is usually caused by using clients that are bridges. The customer has several pc's on a switch behind the client. Sometimes the customer may have their cpe plugged into a the private side of the customers linksys 4 port router. This was a big problem when I was using old Tranzeo clients who operated only as bridges, we would pre-auth the cpe based on its mac the something would be hooked in wrong or the client would use a switch instead of a router.
Re: "limiting address per mac" on Small Hotspot
Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 7:11 pm
by bhamhotspots
This is usually caused by using clients that are bridges. The customer has several pc's on a switch behind the client. Sometimes the customer may have their cpe plugged into a the private side of the customers linksys 4 port router. This was a big problem when I was using old Tranzeo clients who operated only as bridges, we would pre-auth the cpe based on its mac the something would be hooked in wrong or the client would use a switch instead of a router.
Is there any way of resolving this, other than added saying, "under hotspot, servers, changing to 250 addresses per mac"?
I am using a UBNT for a bridge to a seconday AP and all my clients were getting kicked off due to the above restrictions being set to 3 addresses per mac.
Thanks for your help.