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Bandwith limiting over simple queues
Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 2:07 pm
by franco
i have a problem with simple queues.
I would like limiting downloads of big files.
i used the burst feature in the simple queues and set burst time at 75 second.
When i start a download i have full downloadrate. After 75 second i can't see any change. The download continue with full rate.
The target address is the Interface for my clients.
It 's wrong??
My clients login with pppoe.
All clients have a static IP.
Interface =
Clients IP = -
Can you halp me??
Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 6:13 pm
by GJS
If you mean you are using the actual interface address i.e. as the target address in your simple queue this is the problem.
You need to use the client's address (assigned by PPPoE in your case) as the target address in the simple queue, and use one queue for each client.
Hope that helps.
Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 12:49 am
by franco
i'm using the client address.
I can see the traffic from the client.
But it is impossible to limiting the bandwith.
My setup:
Name - xxx
Target Address -
Limit At - 65536/131072
Max Limit - 262144/524288
Burst Limit - 393216/786432
Burst Threshold - 262144/524288
Burst Time - 10/20
After 20 second nothing changes.
He download with the same speed as at the beginning.
I am to consider still something??
Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 8:41 pm
by franco
none can help??
Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 12:11 am
by Hugh Hartman
remove your Limit At rates
decrease the burst threshold below the Max Limit by at least 10%
increase burst time
you may be allowing a burst too often.
Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 10:55 am
by franco
Thank you for your answer.
Name - xxx
Target Address -
Limit At - --/--
Max Limit - 262144/524288
Burst Limit - 393216/786432
Burst Threshold - 26214/52428
Burst Time - 65/75
My setup looks so now.
When i start a download, i can download with 500 - 530 Kbps (25Kpbs pload).
after 75 second nothing change.
The download speed is always still 500 - 530 Kbps.(25 Kpbs)
I am already several-day-long busy and nothing change.
Help please.
Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 11:04 am
by franco
i iwanr limiting the speed from 950000Kbps /950000 Kbps to 256000 Kbps/256000pbs.
I have forget to say, that my clients dial in about pppoe.
Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 7:05 pm
by swanto
Name - xxx
Target Address -
Limit At - --/--
Max Limit - 262144/524288
Burst Limit - 393216/786432
Burst Threshold - 26214/52428
Burst Time - 65/75
When i start a download, i can download with 500 - 530 Kbps (25Kpbs pload).
after 75 second nothing change.
The download speed is always still 500 - 530 Kbps.(25 Kpbs)
2 months ago, there are threads about limiting big files in this forum, so pls do search.
it seems that, if there is enough bandwidth, MT will give the client 'Max Limit', not 'Limit At'. So in your case, the client would get about 500 kbps.
Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 8:10 pm
by franco
i would like give the clients a download speed of 1024 Kbps.
But after 60 second, MT must limiting the traffic.
I have seen the other post "limiting big files" but that can't solve my problem.
I don't know, what i can still make.
It's a problem, use Burtst Time with pppoe clietns??