Has anyone tried or had success with connecting two separate Internet gateways via one physical Ethernet interface? We have basically, two cable modems, plugged into a switch and connected to our MT router's WAN port. One cable modem is the default GW for the router. For the other modem, we have a pre-routing mangle rule to mark the traffic of certain addresses (mark routing). Then we have a second route setup with the routing-mark corresponding to the mangle rule to route that traffic.
This routing method seems to work fine when the multiple gateways are on separate physical WAN interfaces. The second route always shows as invalid with more than one gateway on the same WAN interface though (the second route is using a routing-mark). Can anyone confirm or deny if what we are trying to do should/could work? Can two Internet gateways be used from a single WAN port on the MT router? We are using static routing/addressing (no pppoe, dchp, etc...).
Thanks in advance.