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The Dude in DHCP without DNS

Tue Mar 17, 2009 3:52 pm


I'm trying to use this product in my little network made of several Windows PCs in workgroup and DHCP modes.
They all are connected on a wireless router which is the DHCP server.
I've no DNS on the network.
All the devices are correctly discovered.
But when a device changes IP addresses because of DHCP lease expiration, this machine turns on red and never gets back to green even if a MS-DOS ping is ok.
Another discover gives me a new brand device each time the IP changes.
How can I get rid of this problem ? What are the settings I must have ?

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Re: The Dude in DHCP without DNS

Wed Mar 18, 2009 4:16 pm

Either get a DNS server or statically assign IP addresses inside your DHCP server so things stop changing IP addresses.

When you have a DNS server you can set the DNS Lookup "name to address" setting which will make the dude change addresses and keep the name.
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Re: The Dude in DHCP without DNS

Tue Mar 24, 2009 1:24 pm

Thanks for your answer but I can't afford a DNS server because my network is for home use, without any server.
And settings static IP addresses is not possible because my router which is DHCP server, doesn't support this functionnality.

I'm wondering why the discover function doesn't suppress duplicate devices which have identical MAC and name ?
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Re: The Dude in DHCP without DNS

Tue Mar 24, 2009 4:30 pm

OIC hmm, I don't know how you can resolve this but you might want to try to set the lease time to something very long like 2 weeks then devices have much more time to get the same IP address back.

DHCP will ask for the same address as previously at half the time of the lease. So if your lease is 2 weeks the computer will start asking for it's address again in 1 week, then again in 3.5 days, then again in 1.75 days, each time at half the remaining time until it expires. If you have computer is turned off for more than 1 week set the lease time even longer.

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Re: The Dude in DHCP without DNS

Tue Feb 07, 2023 10:07 pm

I understand that you have a small network. However, I think you still can set static addresses without having a dedicated DHCP server. The fact that you have dynamically assigned addresses that "expire" tells me that your home internet router is probably the DHCP server. Most home routers have a webpage that you can access to make settings changes. They often have the ability to set DHCP reservations that ensure that even though DHCP is assigning addresses, a particular machine (designated by its MAC address) will always get the same address - effectively making it static.

Google your internet router model + "DHCP reservation" for instructions.

Note: I just thought about the fact that you could possibly not have control of your internet router (ie. you are in an apartment and get WiFi from access points provided by the landlord) If that is the case then you may disregard the above instructions.

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