Sun Apr 26, 2009 3:00 pm
I am guessing you have a free trial on your hotspot?
We had the same problem. We stopped one guy by tracing his wireless transmissions to his location and knocking on door and speaking to him (nicely!). He has now been a customer with us for a long time.
Before we traced his wireless transmissions, we spent a long time trying to work out a way to stop this guy. I wrote a script which took his MAC address and when it saw a pattern of more than three incremental MAC addresses which were one number apart, it immediately created a long list of MAC addresses from that number upwards, so that that his next few hundred changes would no longer work. This would make him think he was blocked forever. But all he then did was change to a random MAC address generation. So then he had free internet again as each time he was disconnected by the Hotspot, his PC automatically changed to a new random MAC address.
We decided the only completely safe way to stop clever guys like this in the future, was to stop any free trial at all. We also now find that more people sign up and pay for internet even if for just one hour access. The free trial was a good idea, but using the MAC address as the unique identification of a user is flawed.