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Strange problem with RB411 + XR5

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 12:32 am
by matiasvidoni
Hi people
I just had an strange problem with a rb411+xr5.
I have a ptp link with two of them (two rb411 and two xr5).
In one side of the link, say ip:, I lost a lot of pings from my pc to the routerboard attached to the eth1
If from the other point of the link I ping the same IP, I doesn´t loss any ping.
It´s like the link between my pc and the routerboard was wrong.
BUT, I changed my power supply from 18v to 24v and it stopped lossing packets.
Why is this? I mean, the wireless link was never lost, but cable had lost pings.
I know the cable doesn´t have problems, because I tested it and changing the power supply stoped the problem.
The other rb in the other side of the link still has the 18v power and dowsn´t have any problems.

Re: Strange problem with RB411 + XR5

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 2:51 am
by InoX
BUT, I changed my power supply from 18v to 24v and it stopped lossing packets.
what do you think? :lol:

Re: Strange problem with RB411 + XR5

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 3:09 am
by matiasvidoni
Well, it looks strange that I loss packets on wired lan and nothing on wireless link, that's why I think it is strange.
Maybe it at least should reboot the rb, but it runs perfect, only lost packets.

Re: Strange problem with RB411 + XR5

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 11:11 am
by aaa
Hi, maybe your 18V PSU is close to dead :)) but I not believe that PSU can give so big noise to affect LAN connection.

Re: Strange problem with RB411 + XR5

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 3:10 pm
I have had several of the inline 18 volt power supplies die. They look like they work, but they won't pass traffic or the board gets rebooted periodically. My vote is that your power supply is defective. Instead of the 24v supply, try another 18v supply if you have one, or just keep on going with the 24v supply.