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3.22 web upgrade broken?

Thu Apr 30, 2009 9:24 pm

Hello there, we recently upgraded our MT's to 3.22, and now we're having some issues upgrading to 3.23. We usually use the web GUI to upgrade, and use the upload feature from there, but it appears to be broken as of 3.22. I select the combined, stable package for my platform (routeros-mipsbe-3.23.npk), and press upload, and all it does is change the URL in FireFox to "http://<my ip>/cfg?userfile=routeros-mipsbe-3.23.npk". Pressing 'Upload' after this does nothing either as it tells me that "There is nothing to upgrade". I've also tried Internet Explorer with the same results.

I don't typically do this, but I tried using WinBox to upload this new combined package. I drag the package over to the "Package List" window, and I get the error "Could not change the key - invalid key".

I have these issues on both RB333/PowerPC, and RB433MIPS platforms. Any clues? Thanks in advance!
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Re: 3.22 web upgrade broken?

Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:54 pm

ive never used the web upgrade, but dragging the files into the 'files' window of winbox (not packages window) always works for me.
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Re: 3.22 web upgrade broken?

Fri May 01, 2009 8:23 pm

Any tips on upgrading via dragging to the files menu? I tried what you mentioned... the combined/NPK package transferred and appeared in the file list (it's the only file that was there BTW). I rebooted the Mikrotik, and it hadn't updated, and the file had disappeared, and the file list was empty.
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Re: 3.22 web upgrade broken?

Fri May 01, 2009 11:45 pm

look in the log right after rebooting. probably the wrong platforms files... otherwise it will upgrade no problems. maybe watch the console when restarting.