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Alter the default-configuration script

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 4:47 pm
by Geoffb
Hi Guys

I see there is a dead thread from 2008 where someone asked a similar question but the answer doesn't quite help me out.

I'm having an issue with 2 RB600s on a remote farm hill location. During bad weather there seems to be some sort of electrical build up or short which forces both boards back to factory defaults. This means a 1hr drive and 1hr hike up the mountain each time this happens.

Now I obviously need to address this electrical issue, but in the mean time I need to buy myself some time.

What I'm wanting to do is edit the default-configuration script so that when the boards reboot they automatically load a certain backup file. I can't use a standard script to do this because when it gets set to defaults all the scripts disappear, but the backup files remain.

Is it possible and how can I edit this default script?


Re: Alter the default-configuration script

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 7:43 am
by DogHead
You cannot alter the autorun.scr to my knowledge. This is a good request.

Re: Alter the default-configuration script

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 9:29 am
by normis
you can do it, default is whatever was used when using Netinstall to install RouterOS. Reinstall by adding a certain rsc file and that will become your default.