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30 chanel PRI over Mikrotik

Mon May 25, 2009 7:09 am

Does anyone know whether it is possible to do a point to point link for transporting a 30 chanel PRI over Mikrotik??
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Re: 30 chanel PRI over Mikrotik

Tue May 26, 2009 1:51 am

Assuming you are converting to VoIP of some type, yes it can be done. By this I mean that there is no built-in E1 TDM transport like that available on some PTP radios. Unless you are using NStream2, you will have a half-duplex link. This means you need to have good enough throughput to be able to transport the 2400Kbps up and 2400Kbps down at all times to support a full 30 channels of aLaw or uLaw RTP streams. This is completely possible with a pair of RB411AH boards and applicable radio cards and antennas. If you want the PTP link to also handle data as well, you have to use the Queue Trees and Mangles to ensure you are appropriately bandwidth shaping and providing QOS (i.e. the RTP always gets 2400Kbps and always goes first).

People get themselves into trouble trying to do this usually make one or more of these mistakes:

1) Cheap and/or undersized antennas for the shot distance
2) Poor Line-Of-Sight (LOS), usually caused by a lot of freznel blockage
3) Attempting to get too much throughput, e.g. they think that the 54Mbps modulation scheme allows them to sometimes, or always, get 54Mbps of IP throughput. If you get 30Mbps half-duplex, you're doing great. In the VoIP case, you need enough throughput to reliable emulate a full-duplex link at lower speeds. In other words, if you can get 25Mbps of UDP throughput in one direction (half-duplex), then you can probably get a reliable 10Mbps full-duplex.
4) Not taking into account the half-duplex nature of the devices
5) Misunderstanding the difference between the control channel and the audio stream with VoIP. For example, with SIP, SIP is the call control and RTP over UDP is the audio stream transport scheme.
6) Lack of full understanding of NAT and it's interaction with VoIP protocols

If you are converting from E1 to IP and then back to E1, you have to have some equipment which will reliably recreate E1 clocking on the other side. Adtran and RAD both make boxes to do this.
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Re: 30 chanel PRI over Mikrotik

Tue May 26, 2009 6:27 am

I would just like to add we have done this successfully with Patton SmartNode 4960's as well.
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Re: 30 chanel PRI over Mikrotik

Tue May 26, 2009 9:59 am

Thanx Guys!! :D
I am at present runnig a dual nstreme link of approx. the same distance and am getting UDPfull duplex 23.6Mbps and tcp 14.2Mbps.

Will I then be able to place our sip/iax2 server at the end of this link andhave only a "converter"to and from E1 at the other end?
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Re: 30 chanel PRI over Mikrotik

Tue May 26, 2009 11:39 am

Sure will. If you get one of the Patton 4960's I can even send you a working config.
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Re: 30 chanel PRI over Mikrotik

Sat May 30, 2009 8:24 am

I am looking into this. Thanx
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Re: 30 chanel PRI over Mikrotik

Tue Jul 07, 2009 11:36 pm

You will need either another VOIP server at the wired end (most problems to configure) or a TDM over ethernet box, which may have problems over the wireless but is straight forward to configure.
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Re: 30 chanel PRI over Mikrotik

Wed Mar 17, 2010 2:26 pm

We have a problem with our TDMoIP , we want to pass E1 traffic through two RB333, connection is very good and stable (2,4GHz-turbo, nstreme enable, links speed 54mb/54mb.), but when we enabling RAd ipmux-2l, ping growing to 500-1000 with lot of packet loss. Traffic on the int. is about 3.5mb/3.5mb. Can anybody help us???

CiscoAS5300---RAD IPMUX-2L---RB333--------RB333---RAD IPMUX-2L-----CiscoAS5300
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Re: 30 chanel PRI over Mikrotik

Wed Oct 27, 2010 3:32 pm

Can Someone Share a Network Diagram of Running Internet and Voice 30 Channels (PRI). I have 2 sets of RB411AH /RB711 Radios and 27 dbi DISH antenna. This should be a no problem link.
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Re: 30 chanel PRI over Mikrotik

Mon Jan 10, 2011 6:00 pm

I would just like to add we have done this successfully with Patton SmartNode 4960's as well.
could you send me the configuration for your case please. it would be very helpful.