Hi there I have got a problem.
One of my main links is interrupted by something.
The connection drops every so often.
In logs on Bridge side I get the: "disconnected, extensive data loss"
In logs on Station WDS side I get the: "Lost connection, received deauth: class 2 frame received (6)"
The link quality:
tx/rx signal: -72, -71
signal to noise: 24dB (interesting thing sometimes for few seconds this goes up to 59dB)
CCQ no less that 90%/90%
throuput: 23893 (data rates set to 32Mbps)
but sometimes the link quality looks likw that
left side bridge
right side station wds
I also changed the ACK timeout to 30us
Premeble: long
periodic calibration: disabled
as advised to resolve the problem.
I also scanned for other 5Ghz networks. The closest one is 40MHz below mine.
I tried to check different frequencies.
5845 (Now)
Well only in 5330 I had a gap bigger than 40Mhz.
I have the newest stable version on these units 4.3
Both are RB433 with R52 module.
The funniest thing that sometimes, it stops dropping and works for hours, then next thing I check on the morning and LOG is full with that extensive data loss. I tried everything except exchanging hardware, it requires the lift so this will be the last part of elimination process.
There is something in my mind as well, could be the frost affecting? Wet -8 degrees weather? Well it's not affecting other units but maybe something weakened in one of the routerboards/modules.