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OSPF redistributed connected route removal

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 8:40 pm
by ejmerkel
I am new to MT and am curious how to get my MT box to act in the following manner. I have 2 point to point links (ether1 & ether2) that are running OSPF and are connected into a Cisco router. I am then redistributing the connected routes into OSPF so the the LAN's IP subnet(ether3) is announced out to the rest of the network. This part is working fine.

However, I expect to see that when ether3 goes offline (no ethernet link), that the LAN subnet should be removed from the OSPF announcement but it is not. I am used to how Cisco's handle this but I have not figured out how to make MT remove the route when the interface is offline. I am running 3.24 on an RB493AH. I thought that the ethernet setting disable-running-check=no might be the right option, but this feature doesn't seem to be present in 3.24.

Can anyone give any suggestions if whether this behavior is possible and if so how to make it do such?


Re: OSPF redistributed connected route removal

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 9:09 pm
by skillful
Yes, you have to set disable-running-check=no for OSPF to in that manner.

disable-running-check is only available via CLI.

I don't have RB493Ah but I am running ROS ver. 3.24 on X86 and disable-running-check=no is available.

Re: OSPF redistributed connected route removal

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 9:19 pm
by ejmerkel
Yes, you have to set disable-running-check=no for OSPF to in that manner.

disable-running-check is only available via CLI.

I don't have RB493Ah but I am running ROS ver. 3.24 on X86 and disable-running-check=no is available.

Is it possibly available on X86 but not on RB493AH? Here is the output of my RB493AH.
/interface ethernet> set ether3 
Change properties of one or several items.

<numbers> -- List of item numbers
arp -- Address Resolution Protocol
auto-negotiation -- When enabled the interface "advertises" the maximum capabilities to achieve the best connection 
bandwidth -- 
comment -- Set comment for items
disabled -- Defines whether MAC Telnet Server is disabled or not
full-duplex -- Defines whether the transmissionof data appearsin two directions simultaneously
mac-address -- MAC address
master-port -- 
mdix-enable -- 
mtu -- Maximum Transmit Unit
name -- Interface name
speed -- sets the data transmission speed of the interface

Re: OSPF redistributed connected route removal

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 8:49 am
by mrz
running-check is enabled by default on rotuerboards, so you don't have to set disable-running-check=no

If running check is enabled, routes are changing their scope values depending on interface state. If interface is running scope value is set to 10, if not running then scope is 200.

So you can add routing filter that will drop all routes with scope=200
/routing filter add chain=ospf-out protocol=connect scope=200 action=discard

Re: OSPF redistributed connected route removal

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 5:12 pm
by ejmerkel
Thanks that worked like a charm. Can you clarify for me if the behavior between X86 and RB493AH is different?

Re: OSPF redistributed connected route removal

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 7:45 am
by mrz
Should be the same.