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Interference issues?

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 7:02 pm
by jwamsley
We are shooting a PTP link 13 miles and up until 2 weeks ago it was running great.
Originally we were 5.8 but couldn't keep the link up. Using the SR5s we were
-75 TX/RX. This is a rural area.

We changed to a 2.4 thinking 5.8 was just hosed even though frequency usage wasn't high.
After going to 2.4 with SR2 cards then XR2 cards, i have solid -68 db rx/tx but
the TX/RX CCQ is bouncing all over the place from 100% to 5% nonstop.

We have changed antennas, radios, cable several times with same results.
Doing the frequency scan from the mikrotiks I am not seeing anything.
I have tried using RB411AH and our older RB532's both doing the exact same thing.
Putting the radios on other backhauls to other areas, they work just fine.

We are about 130' up on both ends, so height is not an issue.
Our data traffic is very bad and customers of course aren't happy in this
town. I can change channels and it works a little better, no where near what it was,
but in a few hours its back to the same thing. We are constantly changing channels.
I have tried 5mhz/10mhz/20mhz channels with no improvements.
Enabled/disabled Nstreme, disabled CSMA, tried Adaptive Noise Immunity.

Bought bandpass filters for the 2.4s, still no positive results.
We are going to try putting the 5.8's back up and if that doesn't work
even try going with XR9s.

Running out of ideas.
If anybody has any clues or seen something similar to this would appreciate

Re: Interference issues?

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 5:32 am
You didn't say what country and what the rules are but I would go back to 5GHz. Try horizontal polarity, 3 foot dish antennas, R5H radios.

There are only 3 usable bands in 2.4GHz. There are more than 12 in 5GHz. Much less chance for interference.

Do frequency scans from both ends to find potential interference before choosing your frequency. Look at the CCQ and try to find something stable close to 100% with a good snr.

Good luck,


Re: Interference issues?

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 3:48 pm
by RK
What antennas are you using? is right, 5 GHz is much better for LOS PTP.

Re: Interference issues?

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 9:26 pm
by jwamsley
We are using hyperlink 32 DB 5.8 3' antennas.
Located in USA.
When the weather clears we are going to climb
and change from vertical to horizontal to see if that
helps. Right now we are limping along with the 2.4

Re: Interference issues?

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 6:03 am
by wispwest
use XR5, change region code to Brazil, and use the 5.4-5.6Ghz spectrum! Its legal now in the USA so don't worry about it, hardly anyone is using these frequencies right now, there ALL open where I live, interference free! :)

Re: Interference issues?

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 12:19 am
by wirelesswaves
try to test link again using 5ghz 5Mhz channel, check stability of link after a few hours.

Noise is a product of bandwidth, more bandwidth = more noise... What was noise floor figure?

Check noise floor at 5Mhz channel, 20 then 40Mhz.. Not saying its the long term sollution, but without the help of a bench grade spectrum analyser, those simple tests above can aid to a quicker synopsis.

What and where is the power supply? I found that Winbox health voltage doesnt refresh its data, whereby Terminal entry does. (at least in my rb433ah with 3.24 thats the case)

good luck