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The 4.2 G of unknown services thread..

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 1:26 pm
by Minollie
Hi guys,

Sadly enough I keep running into this very annoying bug within the Dude 3.4 (and before).

I start to think the 4.2 G of unknown and unfound services are related to a bug with any SNMP version and community-strings.
I get the feeling that assigning a SNMP-Profile does some sort of SNMP walk immediately instead of just being used as SNMP-community string info to be used.

I've this feeling since the problem occurs with whatever SNMP-profile I use (even my particular one's show this behaviour).
In the earlier versions of the Dude the use of discovering new devices was not always recommended or working properly so I started to most things myself.
When I add a device I do this first by entering IP-address, I skip discovery of any service and hit finish.
Then I go into the device services tab and manually add a service. The device first says OK within the services tab, after the next probe it still is OK, when you switch to general tab it hangs and after decades returns (if you're lucky that is) with the infamous 4.2 G of services.

After killing the Dude-client and restarting it, I change SNMP read community on the device and retry the whole thing..
Same map, removed the device entirely. Then restart The Dude service on the server, just to make sure it lost any reason to hang..
Then enter the map, add the device as described above, change the setting of SNMP profile to the right one and after a little time the whole damn general tab hangs again.. This bug is getting very, very irritating.. to say the least..

For sofar as I know it isn't a combination of for ever existing/loading maps/inability to create new maps and this bug itself.
Simple because it happens on all maps I've in The Dude, whether they load or not or are new..

I sort of beg the Mikrotik team to have an urgent look into this issue, it's likely to kill interest from people who have less patience with bugs.


Re: The 4.2 G of unknown services thread..

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 7:04 pm
by Minollie
Hi guys,

I run into this annoying bug after the following procedure...

I add a new device by discovering a single IP-address, /32.
Services to be discovered: ping only (even though I don't really need it on some devices).
After the discovery is completed I add other services manually, just to be on the safe side..

Then in some of the following circumstances I run into 'our' bug..

After adding any/all wanted services I delete ping from services tab (remember I didn't want it right? ;)), immediately after doing that the bug occurs.., the pie-chart states 4.29G unknown, in my case 1 up and some others (partially) down.

After disabling ping on the services tab (again, didn't want it in the first place..) I can still switch to the general tab without any problems whatsoever and weird enough I still have a service as unstable and some down..

When I've ping and several other unwanted services on the device..
I first disable ping, switching to general without problems at this moment..
The I delete the other unwanted services (leave some others untouched) and yupz, immediately after that the general tab hangs with 4.29G of bugging services..

When I've ping and several other unwanted services on the device..
I first disable ping, switching to general without problems at this moment.., disabling the other services is OK with the general tab
From here it doesn't matter if I re-enable either ping or the other services.. before I delete either one of them.

If you ask me..
The whole 4.29G bug is related to ping (and not/less with SNMP), you seem to be unable to add a device properly without the ping service.
Besides that it's likely the case you can't delete any ever added service in the future.

All this is with The Dude 3.4.

I really hope the guys of Mikrotik will soon be able to get rid of this bug.


Re: The 4.2 G of unknown services thread..

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 10:32 pm
by itafnoc
The same has happened often to me (Dude v2.2), with just ping as the only monitored service. The programs hangs and I have to force its termination to get rid of this. Once I get back inside Dude, the best thing to do is deleting the node that generates the problem and re-create it. Normally this solves the problem ...

Re: The 4.2 G of unknown services thread..

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 1:57 pm
by Minollie
[quote="itafnoc"]... the best thing to do is deleting the node that generates the problem (and re-create it). Normally this solves the problem ...[/quote]

The Dude would be doing almost nothing at all when I delete all the devices with this problem.. ;)
Recreating the device is still giving me major headaches, the problem of the 4.29G non-existent services shows up shortly after adding the device and appropiate services again (even when ping is not one of the needed services..)

I just hope Mikrotik is able to solve this issue as soon as possible, it's just an annoying, persistent bug within a great tool.


Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 9:46 am
by nms_user
Hello guys,

after a very long time not searching this forum i can see this nasty bug still annoying the admins.

It's a bug which came in the v2 beta-times and is still present?! (I created a thread in early 2007, see

"I sort of beg the Mikrotik team to have an urgent look into this issue, it's likely to kill interest from people who have less patience with bugs."
Very very true, I'm responsible for the correct run of 330 devices, we're gone to Zabbix after i got the recommendation to upgrade to a beta-version (v3b8) for productive environment... Sorry Normis, Uldis and how you are all called, The Dude is definitively NOT reliable for bigger environments.

Re: The 4.2 G of unknown services thread..

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2018 12:26 pm
by raytaylor
Still having this issue in version 6.41.3

Re: The 4.2 G of unknown services thread..

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 1:01 pm
by Azure
Having the same issue... Started using new dude from 6.38.5 and had the issue. Now even having it with 6.41.4.
No reason, rhythm or rhyme I can find as to why it happen.
Settings screen just locks and slows until finally it shows.
If I navigate away from the general tab then back, the same lockup occurs.

A fix would be lovely.

Re: The 4.2 G of unknown services thread..

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 3:23 am
by raytaylor
From what I have found on here and other threads is it stems from adding a service and then removing it. I cant remember if it was a ping or snmp service.
Anyhow if you delete the device on the map, then click the undo to make it reappear, then it works fine.
The undo button will restore any links to other devices too.

I think it must recreate the deleted device from zero rather than undeleting it and in the process of recreating it, the problem service isnt getting added.

Re: The 4.2 G of unknown services thread..

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 6:47 pm
by kcdyer
From what I have found on here and other threads is it stems from adding a service and then removing it. I cant remember if it was a ping or snmp service.
Anyhow if you delete the device on the map, then click the undo to make it reappear, then it works fine.
The undo button will restore any links to other devices too.

I think it must recreate the deleted device from zero rather than undeleting it and in the process of recreating it, the problem service isnt getting added.
Thanks for this!
Every device on my recent import has this problem.

Re: The 4.2 G of unknown services thread..

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2021 2:00 pm
by owireless
12 years and this bug is still not fixed

Re: The 4.2 G of unknown services thread..

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2021 4:16 am
by raytaylor
12 years and this bug is still not fixed
^ upvote

Re: The 4.2 G of unknown services thread..

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2021 9:41 am
by zpa0
I'm facing this bug also. Almost on every device.

Re: The 4.2 G of unknown services thread..

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2023 2:37 pm
by kryztoval
Reviving an old thread because I just encountered this on a routeros device in dude as well. And it is puzzling to say the least. 14 years now and this bug is still very present.

Re: The 4.2 G of unknown services thread..

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2024 12:53 am
+1 here too!