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20Mbps or more

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 3:31 am
by pastranini
Hello All.

I have a project about a link 7km, I Require 20mbps real or more.

Can someone give me an advice about what equipments need ??????????? I Think about 433ah with ubiquiti SR2.

Thanks for all.


Re: 20Mbps or more

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 9:50 pm
by thiele

I recomend use of 5Ghz (802.11a) cards, like R52 or SR5.

There are more powerfull cards, like R52H or XR5 but you dont need them for a 7Km link.

Right configured this hardware will offer something like 25Mbps aggregated or more.


Re: 20Mbps or more

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 1:34 am
by InoX
for 7km you can use any radio card like cm9 or R52 with 13dBm. It will work, and a 27-30dBi antenna for 5Ghz.

Re: 20Mbps or more

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 4:09 pm
by dgreenmania
how about 18Km and need 20Mbps?

Can someone give me an advice about what equipments need?


Re: 20Mbps or more

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 5:53 pm
by angboontiong
how about 18Km and need 20Mbps?

Can someone give me an advice about what equipments need?

We have tested the distance only 9.8KM with clear LOS and 100% tx/tx ccq, data rate is 54*2/52*2

When doing the tcp test it's can up to 45Mbps.

But, when you inject the real internet traffic, it's only can upto 25Mbps (in + out) with good ping latency (<5ms) but sometimes it's will jump to 50ms for few then back to normal.

Thus, i would suggest, do not trust full with the devices speed test, but with the real intranet or internet traffic then only you will get the actual result.

Re: 20Mbps or more

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 8:22 pm
by Real
how about 18Km and need 20Mbps?

Can someone give me an advice about what equipments need?

hi, last days i start a link 17km
tested from pc to rb433ah ,udp test show 28mbits, and tcp 20mbits procesor show 100% busy
to get more speed i have do test from pc to pc and i need wireless card with turbo ,
used hardware : one end rb600 23db card 5gh 32db antena ,other end rb433ah 23db antena 18db wireless card.
signal rx/tx -73/-67 ccq 70/95%
nstream wds enabled,
conection : ap bridge < station wds
i have problem to find free chanel , about half of available chanels i can't estabilish conection or speed is wery low ,but 5300mhz is working fine.
in future i change both cards to r52n or to ub5 (ub5 have turbo mode and 23db) and i get more then 40mbits pc to pc bandwidth.