I have written a script which interrogates the dynamic queues from Usermanager.
When the users download more than 150MB the script should override the speed of the queues released by user-manager:
:local traf 0;
/queue simple;
:foreach i in=[find dynamic=yes] do={
:set traf [get $i total-bytes];
:if ($traf > 150000000) do = {
set $i limit-at=64000/64000 max-limit=64000/64000 burst-threshold=0/0 burst-limit=0/0 burst-time=0/0; \
I have noticed that the above script does not work correctly because "total-bytes" only gives me the Target Upload bytes.
Is that because the default queue type of a dynamic queue is the "default-small" queue?
How can I extract the total-bytes not only the Target Upload bytes?
Any help will be appreciated.