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MikroTik is looking for School/College in New Delhi, India

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 9:44 am
by normis
MikroTik is looking for Technical Schools/Colleges and other educational institutions to host MikroTik training lessons for profit. Anyone insterested, please let us know. Currently we are looking specifically in New Delhi, India, but other countries are welcome too.

Re: MikroTik is looking for School/College

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 11:51 am
by xezen
well in south africa there is a big dammand for tranning on this
as i personaly would like to do them my self as its always booked out

i have never done any of them my self leared the hard way i get

but if i could get to understand this i would be moe then glad to get this working
in oneway ore another

Re: MikroTik is looking for School/College

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 11:53 am
by normis
if you pass all the trainings, you can become a trainer yourself, and build a business upon that. there is demand, just like you said.

Re: MikroTik is looking for School/College

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 12:49 pm
by xezen
where can i get a list of all the exams i must pass to become a trainner?
and so on

as im stuck of mikrotik at this point

i personal have 250 mikrtok product at this point and growing

Re: MikroTik is looking for School/College

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 1:05 pm
by normis
You must get at least MTCNA, MTCTCE certificated (two different trainings) and then you can go to the Train-the-Trainer course which will give you MTCTR certificate and official listing on our site as trainer. Ask local training facility for more info, course dates are on

Re: MikroTik is looking for School/College in New Delhi, India

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 7:15 pm
by angboontiong
all the training is free of charge for the mikrotik existing client or fixed of charge?

Re: MikroTik is looking for School/College in New Delhi, India

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 7:21 pm
by Still
Hey normis, got any interest in an educational institute in Egypt?

Re: MikroTik is looking for School/College in New Delhi, India

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 8:53 am
by normis
angboontiong - we are looking for schools, not offering training :)

Still - of course, you can email training @ mikrotik .com with more information about your institution and what you teach there.

Re: MikroTik is looking for School/College in New Delhi, India

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 9:29 am
by klima
I am interested in, of course, do You want to search in Czech Republic too ?? and what profit, only Mikrotik profit, or do You want to teach from me in school :-) ??

Re: MikroTik is looking for School/College in New Delhi, India

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 9:30 am
by normis
To be more specific - we are looking for Universities who are interested in offering a MikroTik course as part of their program.

Actually, we are looking for any kind of school that can offer a classroom for teaching -- not only Universities.

Schools (for profit and public schools) -- including vocational schools.

We can assist in getting started with some discounted setups and of course for non wireless, the RB750 at about $40 for a setup is a good deal.

Re: MikroTik is looking for School/College in New Delhi, India

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:35 pm
by angboontiong
To be more specific - we are looking for Universities who are interested in offering a MikroTik course as part of their program.

Actually, we are looking for any kind of school that can offer a classroom for teaching -- not only Universities.

Schools (for profit and public schools) -- including vocational schools.

We can assist in getting started with some discounted setups and of course for non wireless, the RB750 at about $40 for a setup is a good deal.

Dear Normunds...
Mykris does the customer like university or the private college...

If you interest in malaysia, then i may can forward you interest to our marketing person...

Re: MikroTik is looking for School/College in New Delhi, India

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 10:36 pm
by asus
from here i have done my CCNA from head office. They provides all types of courses

this one is also best ... airid=3075

There is no computers & network accessories tradeshows in india.
I'm a ISP + Cable opt & i came to know about Optilink, netgear & few more brands name from this tradeshow, So, we bought 1 optilink server rack & started using netgear fast eth switches.

Re: MikroTik is looking for School/College

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 4:32 pm
by satman1w
You must get at least MTCNA, MTCTCE certificated (two different trainings) and then you can go to the Train-the-Trainer course which will give you MTCTR certificate and official listing on our site as trainer. Ask local training facility for more info, course dates are on

Is it necessary to get the course, or is it possible just to take certain exams?

If it is possible, please describe briefly what steps to take (can the exam be taken on-line or at your place only, is there a specification for each exam about what the exam covers, and so on...), and how much does it cost.
I'm asking this because I already have some industrial certificates, experience and knowledge too, so I would like to avoid expenses for traveling a 1000 km and staying in a hotel for few days if possible.

If all my questions are somewhere already answered, please just paste the link.

Thank you in advance


Re: MikroTik is looking for School/College in New Delhi, India

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 8:55 am
by normis
it's absolutely necessary to take full part in all those courses.

Re: MikroTik is looking for School/College in New Delhi, India

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 6:39 pm
by uninet
Speaking from Mozambique,

I am not 100% sure I understand what you exactly are looking for. Is it an institution (university/school) you could use for training in Mikrotik (you would come to do the training) ??

I am in contact with a local private university which is already using Mikrotik solutions to connect there sites spreaded in town (5 sites) and that is looking to create what they call a "networking academy" that should cover several areas of networking technologies including routers that would be covered based on Mikrotik solutions. Do you see any interest in looking into such a project with more details ??

If positive will come back to you with more details.

Re: MikroTik is looking for School/College in New Delhi, India

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 2:21 pm
by stenlyto
I`m graduating Tehnical University of Varna, Bulgaria....
Specification: Computer Systems and Technologies....
I was 4 years in the student counsil and recently with help of the Dean of the Computer Science Department are looking for offers like yours...
Send me some information... I still have connection with the university and I want that academy here :), Stanislav

Re: MikroTik is looking for School/College in New Delhi, India

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 9:32 am
by normis
MikroTik would like to find some school that would like to teach a training course developed by MikroTik, about MikroTik RouterOS. This would be a full semester course, 16 lectures, I guess. The course is not yet ready, we are just looking for interested parties.