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DUDE auto subnet scan

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 4:06 pm
by rclark
Hi All,

hope you can help should be pretty simple. at least i hope so.

the dude does exactly as it should when auto scanning a subnet, but it also captures all of my client pc's/laptops.
This is fine and i can delete the stuff i do not want from the map but because is continually auto scans the subnet it keeps adding these
devices in.
what i really want to do is auto scan my network say but only want to actively monitor core infrustructure e.g servers, routers, switched and ap's etc.
Is it possible to do the auto scan on the subnet then remove the stuff i don't want and exclude the from any subsequent scan's or at least stop them being added back into the map.

My servers are from on to ap's to 254, workstation which i do not want are all on to 254 per.
i know i can do all of this manually but all the link info etc from the auto scan and the switch mapping is fantastic.

sorry fro the converted explanation.

Many thanks for a cool product anyway.

Re: DUDE auto subnet scan

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 4:08 pm
by normis
just do the Discover, but uncheck "add to auto-scan" and it will layout the map, but will not do any further scans. or uncheck "windows computer" from the "what to discover" tab :)

Re: DUDE auto subnet scan

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 12:19 am
by keith
Could you use the blacklist to prevent systems from being scanned? I have never used it not do I know how but it might work. Or couldn't you just scan /24 for servers and then /24 for ap's and not scan anything else?

Re: DUDE auto subnet scan

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 11:43 am
by rclark
Hi Guys,

Thanks for the replies i used the Discover option worked, i new it would be staring me in the face.
I will try the blacklist option on another subnet today.

Thanks again. :D