Thu Aug 06, 2009 7:58 pm
Add radius client to consult User Manager for DHCP service.
/ radius add service=dhcp address=y.y.y.y secret=123456
'secret' is equal to User Manager router secret. 'y.y.y.y' is the User Manager router address.
Note, first local router database is consulted, then User Manager database. User will be unable to obtain DHCP lease, if DHCP router and User Manager server will not contain any information about user's data.
What is the user manager router address?
I have a rb 493 ah
port 1,2,3 have dsl lines
port 4,7.8.9 are under a bridge. its dhcp the adress for this one is
port 5 is my hotspot.
port 6 not working.
i want the usermanager to work with the bridge.