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monitor traffic

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 3:12 am
by PteraWireless
I need to be able to monitor traffic when I want to and not when TrafficMonitor does. It only executes scripts when the threshold is past.
I need to be able to pull a monitor-traffic ether1 once then take the usage on the tx or rx and record that to a variable that I manipulate and compare.
rx-bits-per-second: 29.3kbps
tx-bits-per-second: 54.4kbps
I need these as

I have tried a few things but none seem to work.

[admin@PteraOffice] /interface> :set monitors {/monitor-traffic Office once}
[admin@PteraOffice] /interface> :put $monitors


Any one already done this or know how?

Re: monitor traffic

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 5:50 pm
by Chupaka
/interface monitor-traffic ether1 once do={:put $"rx-bits-per-second"}