I'm trying to rebuild my backbone to 802.11n, but therefore i need the RouterOS 4.0 Beta 3 or 4.
I use bgp routing, and it looks like big changes are made in bgp between 3.x and 4.x
Simple routing test: 3.2x router (433ah) announces to next hop/peer by bgp, this is an 4.0 b4 router and receives the route, next hop also an 4.0 b4 router receives all routes for the previous hop/peer by bgp execpt the route.
All routers peer'd to an 4.0 b3 or b4 router don't receive a route from gateway, 3.x of 4.0 bx clients both same problem.
I noticed this already on 3 independend test sites, and on more then 10 eindnodes.
All boxes are rb433ah boards with 3.x of 4.0 bx Routeros installed, mini-pci cards as links.
I use bgp already for al long time, there more the 100 bgp nodes/devices routered by it and multiple isp-gateways.
All routing worked fine on routeros 3.x devices