Japanese Radio Type Approval
Under the Radio Law in Japan, licensed radio transmitter must either have an inspection by the Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications (MIC) staff before permanent operation or must have been certified by an authorized Japan body, such as TELEC. ZeroG has undergone TUV Japan testing (very similar to any other Japanese testing approval process such as TELEC), has passed all RF emission limits set by Japan regulatory bodies, and TUV Rheinland Japan is an authorized body in Japan to issue Radio Type approvals and other approvals for Japan.
Type Certification
1. Flow of type certification
2. Application procedures
You can select one of two type certification procedures described below.
1. Application by submitting one set of sample equipment for the test together with required documents
2. Application by submitting test reports for one set of sample equipment issued by a testing organization who satisfies the requirement specified by TELEC together with required documents
3. Required documents
The following documents are required for the application.
TELEC accepts application documents written in either Japanese or English, but Japanese ones are preferable for the reduction of document examination time.
3-1 Application by submitting one set of sample equipment
1. Application form for type certification
2. Type Specification forms
3. Statement of confirmation method (documents describing the matters related to the method to confirm that all products manufactured under the application meet the construction design)
4. Photographs or drawings showing the component layout and the external appearance with the dimensions of applied equipment
3-2 Application by submitting test reports
1. Application form for type certification
2. Type Specification forms
3. Statement of confirmation method (documents describing the matters related to the method to confirm that all products manufactured under the application meet the construction design)
4. Notice of recognized test results issued by a testing organization who satisfies the requirement specified by TELEC
5. Photographs or drawings showing the component layout and the external appearance with the dimensions of applied equipment
6. Other documents (documents requested by the examiner during the test)
* Application form:
Application Form (Type Certification) * Type Specification form
Type Specification form (No. 1)
Radio equipment to be used for land mobile station (excluding land mobile stations of PHS and DSRC), portable station, ship station, on-board communication station, meteorological radio station, 50 GHz band convenience radio station, radio station for testing FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, TDM or CDM cellular radio telephone, base station for PHS, radio station to relay communication between PHS base and land mobile stations, radio station for testing PHS radio equipment, base station for DSRC or etc.
Type Specification form (No. 2)
Radio equipment to be used for radionavigation service or radiolocation service
Type Specification form (No. 3)
Radio equipment to be used for radio station for citizen radio, cordless telephone, specified low-power radio, low-power security system, low-power data communication system or digital cordless telephone, land mobile station for PHS, land mobile station for DSRC or radio station for wireless card system In case of the application of radio equipment used for low-power data communication system, the following sheet must be attached to the Type Specifications.
Attached sheet for application of low-power data communication system
Type Specification form (No. 4)
Radio equipment to be used for amateur radio station or 150 MHz band, 400 MHz band, 27 MHz band or 900 MHz band convenience radio station
Type Specification form (No. 5)
Radio equipment to be used for earth station or portable mobile earth station
* Notice on Application
4. Examination and test
To see the outline of examination and test for certification, visit the following sites.
Examination and Test
Test Items
Test Conditions
5. Notification of the result
1. TELEC issues a certificate to the applicant whose equipment has successfully passed the certification test. The number of certificate is one for each application.
2. If it is found that applied equipment does not conform with the technical regulations, TELEC notifies the applicant by sending notification of non-conformity.
3. In principle notification of type certification will be made within 15 days after reception of application. The days exclude those for correction of application documents and holidays.
6 .Marking of certification
A certification label must be affixed to an easily recognizable place on the certified equipment. In case of the type certification, applicant can make certification label by himself, but he must submit a sample of the label to TELEC. When applicant wishes to use the labels prepared by TELEC, submit the application form for it to TELEC.
Marking of type certification
Visit the following site to see the charges for type certification.
8. Validity of certification
Certificate becomes invalid when certified equipment is changed from the descriptions or the specifications submitted to TELEC at the time of application, or when it does not conform to the technical regulations. In such case, new application is necessary if you want to keep the certification.
9 Revocation of certification
When TELEC gets a fact that an applicant has received a certificate by illegal means or radio equipment which construction type has been certified does not conform to the technical standard, TELEC reports the fact to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. In such cases, the certification becomes invalid and the applicant is required to return the certificate.
10 Obligations to Conform to Construction Types
Type Certification (certification of construction type) is stipulated as follows in Article 38-25 paragraph 1 and 2 of the Radio Law;
Paragraph 1: A person who was granted the certification of construction type (hereinafter referred to as "certified dealer") by a registered certification agency shall, when dealing specified radio equipment based on the construction type pertaining to said certification of construction type (hereinafter referred to as "certified construction type"), ensure that said specified radio equipment conforms to said certified construction type.
Paragraph 2: A certified dealer shall conduct an examination on specified radio equipment specified in the preceding paragraph that it deals, in accordance with the verification method pertaining to the certification of construction type, and prepare and maintain the examination records in accordance with the applicable ministerial ordinance of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.
"Obligations to Conform to Construction Types" and Relevant Provisions