Had a search through the wiki but couldn't see anything specifically for this
I'd like to receive an email notification upon each routeros user log on (not user manager)
Has anyone set this up previously?
/system logging action add name="loginTrackerLocal" target=memory memory-lines=5000 memory-stop-on-full=no
/system logging add topics=system,info,account action=loginTrackerLocal
# buffer the loginTrackerLocal logging queue into an array
# array is 0 based and contains pointers to actual log records
:local logBuffer [/log find buffer=loginTrackerLocal];
# immediately mark that the script was run by inserting a log record
# otherwise lines might get inserted during script run, which we'd miss during the next run
:log info "ran loginTracker script"
# record buffer length for easier reference
:local logBufferLen ([:len $logBuffer] - 1);
# move backwards through the array to find the last line indicating this script ran
# linePointer will point to the first log record pointer that is interesting
:local linePointer $logBufferLen;
# set a variable that allows early escaping
:local found false;
:while (($found = false) and ($linePointer > 0)) do={
# fetch a log record
:local logRecord [/log get [:pick $logBuffer $linePointer] message];
# check if it contains the magic string "ran loginTracker script", which this script logs when it starts up
:if ([:find $logRecord "ran loginTracker script"] >= 0) do={
# we found the last time it ran, escape from loop
:set found true;
} else={
# not there yet, move on to the previous log record
:set linePointer ($linePointer - 1);
# prepare the e-mail body
:local body ""
# move forward through array from linePointer to end, examining all records since last script run
:for counter from=$linePointer to=$logBufferLen do={
# fetch a log record
:local logRecord [/log get [:pick $logBuffer $counter] message];
# check if it contains the magic string "logged in from"
:if ([:find $logRecord "logged in from"] >= 0) do={
# append to body
:set body ($body . "\n" . $logRecord);
# check if any lines were found
:if ([:len $body] > 0) do={
/tool e-mail send subject="whatever" from="whatever" to="recipient@example.com" body=$body
/system scheduler add name=loginTracker start-date=jan/01/2009 start-time=00:00:00 interval=5m