Hello, i can not reach other network routers, only the main one, because im using NTH load balancing.
Can anyone help me solve this problem?
Thank you in advance.
where's NTH 2,1? and why 11th rule is not before 9th and 10th? and you do not need 3, afaics =)I have followed you guides(NTH) Chupaka and i can reach other routers on my network, and i can reach other devices with local address, but i can not reach other devices(routers yes) with public address, ex. i have dst-nated port 3389 to a local windows box for remote desktop but i can not connect to ip using public address.
This is the currect config.
/ip firewall mangle> pr
Flags: - disabled, I - invalid, D - dynamic
1 chain=mark new unseen action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=second
address-list-timeout=0s nth=2,2
2 chain=mark new unseen action=add-src-to-address-list address-list=seen
3 chain=mark new unseen action=jump jump-target=mark connection
4 chain=mark connection action=mark-connection
new-connection-mark=first_conn passthrough=yes src-address-list=first
5 chain=mark connection action=mark-connection
new-connection-mark=second_conn passthrough=yes src-address-list=second
6 X chain=mark connection action=mark-routing new-routing-mark=first
passthrough=no connection-mark=first_conn
7 X chain=mark connection action=mark-routing new-routing-mark=second
passthrough=no connection-mark=second_conn
8 chain=prerouting action=jump jump-target=mark new unseen
connection-state=new src-address-list=local
9 chain=prerouting action=mark-routing new-routing-mark=first passthrough=n>
src-address-list=first connection-mark=first_conn
10 chain=prerouting action=mark-routing new-routing-mark=second
passthrough=no src-address-list=second dst-address-list=!local
11 chain=prerouting action=jump jump-target=mark connection
connection-state=new src-address-list=local dst-address-list=!local
Dont be counfused, im disabling one config before enabling the other.
Thank you.
chain=mark connection in-interface=your_first_connection action=mark-connection new-connection-mark=first_conn
chain=mark connection in-interface=your_second_connection action=mark-connection new-connection-mark=second_conn
this should be added, not editedCode: Select allchain=mark connection in-interface=your_first_connection action=mark-connection new-connection-mark=first_conn chain=mark connection in-interface=your_second_connection action=mark-connection new-connection-mark=second_conn