I have been working with the PHP API scripts for some time now, and I am wondering if there is any chance that the Router->client data might be modernized... The last time I dealt with formats like this was from military ground terminals from the 70's... (maybe I just dont deal with this type of stuff enough to see it used elsewhere?) It would be nice to get the data returned in some current standard though... (and w/o the use of sockets if possible) JSON, <-- extremely light weight, XML (not first choice), or given the nature of the commands:
(and that the OS is already running a lightweight webserver)
REST'ful data retrieval by querying the same command syntax against a secured portion of the web browser..
I'm sure changes like this arent simple, but they would certainly level the playing field and I bet increase the useage (and usefulness) of the API (not to mention reduce the complexity of the API scripts --- they could practically go away)