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Basic setup instructions

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 6:13 pm
by AWEIowa
I have a couple new MT routers with 2 radio cards. I am configuring them to use wlan1 as a point-to-point, and wlan2 as an AP. I am new to MT and currently use Canopy, Deliberant and others in my network.

I bought Dennis Burgess' book and have ben poring over the mT site. I am a very hands on, see it in front of me type of guy.

I am hoping I can talk a couple of you into sharing your setup on similar hardware. A text file of your setup will work as I can learn from example. An annotated one would be REALLY nice. I have looked for scripts and templates around the net, but nothing so basic. :(

Customer CPE will do the routing, I want the ability to place static IPs on them and route back to my network gateway.

Any help, guidance would be appreciated.


Re: Basic setup instructions

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 5:17 pm
by thiele
Hi Mike,

Are you using winbox to do the configurations? If you are new on Mk world try to do basic configurations using it. You
can easy add static IP address or create static routes using that interface. Once you did it, open a CLI and see what
winbox did for you.


Re: Basic setup instructions

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 7:30 pm
by AWEIowa
Yes I am using winbox. I would like to look at other's configurations to learn. I am familiar with command line interfaces and they don't intimidate me. I would like to look how an experienced user configured a similar setup to mine: MT 433AH, wlan1, wlan2, ether1. I want to use one card for a point to point, and the other as an AP. Have you set up any gear like that?


Re: Basic setup instructions

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 10:32 pm
by ne0031
Exporting the script would be too easy :-)

in winbox, interfaces, wlan1, set mode to ap, frequency, ssid for your ap, and correct antenna connector.

for wlan2, set to station, ssid for your ptp, antenna connector. (It is common to set the upstream radio to bridge, and downstream radios as stations, though it is not required)

under IP, addresses, hit the red plus to add an address for your ap, choose wlan1. Hit OK, and repeat for wlan2. To avoid misconfiguration, specify your address and mask in the address line, THen you don't have to set the other fields until you are comfy doing so.

For static routes, IP, routes, and add what you need.