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i create wireles athintication parallel VPN athintication

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 11:05 am
by tiuman
i create wireless authentication RADIUS Mac mode "as username"
i create in user manager login for example 00000000 user name = MAC wireles client
then inpussible add password becaus only name user...

i create wireless authentication RADIUS Mac mode "as username and password"
i create in user manager login for example 00000000 user name and create passwords 0000000
but it login and passwords not saved my client may be they sniffing lan and get MAC and type in VPN login 00000 pass 0000 and use free internet.

i want create 0000 MAC wireless connect man have MAC 0000 and he may connect to VPN type heyself login=MAC pass=1237 for connect to VPN shared internet.