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Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 8:52 pm
by variable
i tried out some bridging today, with wds it maxes out at abou 15mbps UDP

probably get more in the field, as they are close here, and their antennas are point away from each other, will have to see.

on nstreme i couldnt even get them to bridge, the two mikrotiks could talk to each other, and one worked with bridging, but the other,(the client side) would not bridge, is there something you have to do special on the client side of the nstreme bridge?

also when i did the wds bridge, as i dont want unwanted people to connect to the ap, i only put ether1 and wds1 in the bridge, and not wlan1. and it bridges just like it should, (i dont have any 802.11a clients to check) but this should keep anyone from getting on the network by connecting to the wlan1-ap?

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 8:58 pm
by variable
a little more fiddling, and they now get 26mbps UDP(half-duplex) and on the rb532(w. sr5) cpu usage is between 60-80%

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 9:48 pm
by isabido
This reply is the Xandor:

If you want use WDS and Bridging with Nstreme you have to use on the other side station-wds feature.
On side A you configure AP-BRIDGE with Nstreme support and enable WDS interface (static and bridge) with MAC address on radio interface on side B.
On side B you configure radio interface in station-wds, isn't important to enable WDS on it. Station-wds is the only interface that work with nstrme and bridging. With this configuration you can also enable DFS mode.
In this way your system work fine.


I think that it is your solution

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 10:09 pm
by variable
ok thanks, will try soon,
what id dfs?

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 10:16 pm
by isabido
Dynamic Frecuency Selection (DFS)

Please to use google, that question was very easy to respond, No?


Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 1:42 am
by variable
left bandwidth test running for the last 3 hours, stays exactly at 27mbps, with no more than 500k variance. i think it may be cpu limited on my windows machine running the bandwidth test, whenvever i open an app, it drops by at least 15mbps, and once finished loading goes back to 27.

@27mbps(UDP/Halfduplex) i get pings of ~66ms
@0mbps i get pings of 2 ms.

just thought some people might wanto know.

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 10:21 am
by stephenpatrick
Yes if you fill a link up using Bandwidth Test, ping times from the same machine through the link go up.

Using BW test on a PC, W2000 O/S, 1GHz CPU, you can get ~70Mbps test capacity.
Interestingly, the PC CPU shows 100% on task manager irrespective of the actual throughput.
And of course, running any other applications messes the test up.


Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 8:12 am
by variable
ya i know, i was remarking on how good those ping times are with full throughput, on many radios they can approach 100ms.

ya, i dont know windows does that with the cpu usage, but whatever, it works eh?