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6 Km link with very low throughput

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 4:14 pm
by drnitinarora
Dear All,

Facing a strange problem on a 6 Km link.

Site 1:
MT= 411AH, Mini PCI= Compex WLM54AGP6A(26 dBm card), Antenna type: 5.8 GHz Solid Dish
N= 30deg 19'21.40"
E= 78deg 02'13.31"
Elevation=661 m
Antenna Height=24m

Bridge Protocol=stp
Site 1.JPG

Site 2:
MT= 411, Mini PCI = Compex WLM54AGP6B(23 dBm card), Antenna Type: 5.8 GHz Solid Dish

N= 30deg 16'56.72"
E= 77deg 59'30.87"
Elevation=602 m
Antenna Height=24m
Bridge Protocol=stp :(
Site 2.JPG
Worked alot to get the signals equalize between -65/-62 dBm but failed, LOS is very clear.
The card rates are set to 18 dBm. Using LMR 400 pigtail(1 metr.) tried changing MT also.

1. when I increase the card rates, the performance drops.
2. there is not enough throughput.
3. Bandwidth test shows less than 2 Mbps both ways.
4. tried changing antenna feeds/pigtails also, no joys.
5. Worked on all frequencies (5300-5825) but did not work.
6. Worked with Bridge protocol disabled also.

How can I improve performance
I am not getting the enough bandwidth to run clients.

Please help :(

Re: 6 Km link with very low throughput

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 12:18 am
by n21roadie

I am new to this also but i think the receiving side, mode should be =station
You appear to have mode=bridge at both sides of the link ?


Re: 6 Km link with very low throughput

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 9:36 am
by drnitinarora
Its also running in wds mode.

Will doing a Ap-Client Configuration, or EoIP configuration really help?


Re: 6 Km link with very low throughput

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 8:20 pm
by Pilgrim
The client must be in station mode. I thnik this set up is much easier than the other issues that yoy have involving the TP-Link's, since in this application you Mikrotik in both ends.

There is a perfect example on the wiki that you can use as model for your setup. ... o_Networks

and if you want to enable EoIP ... WDS_(EoIP)

rgs Pilgrim

Re: 6 Km link with very low throughput

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 10:01 pm
by drnitinarora
Once again Thanks pilgrim for your replies on both the posts.

Well I have been working with MT now for about almost a year . I have also faced a lot of problems in the initial phases but then this kind of scenario is new and I am not able to rectify the cause.

I have read in many posts People attaining 50Mbps + bandwidth over distances of more than 30 Kms. I mean where am I lagging?
I am not even getting close to 4 Mbps levels....Its awful. How can I improve the performance.
Is the configuration I am doing correct or there needs to be some tricks involved.

What bothers me most is the difference in the signal levels on both sides.

I had read in one post that reducing the power output will solve the issue. so i had tried that too but didnt help.
Apart from it when I test bandwidth one ways(receive only) on both MTs, It starts with 17Mbps goes to 20-21 Mbps just for a second or two and then falls back to 4-5Mbps average(lowest levels even goes to some 500-600 Kbps) for some seconds.

While in bandwith test: THE TX/RX CCQ FALLS DRASTICALLY to 15-25% levels from 90-95% levels without Bandwidth test.

Is that a usual phenomenon when u put load on MT?
Need your valuable advice.

Request to all!!

Re: 6 Km link with very low throughput

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 11:24 pm
by InoX
one card may be damaged, I see a -70 and a -56, something is wrong. I can't see Nstreme if is enable or not...must be enabled.