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Summarised OSPF Routes

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 10:40 am
by sdavies68
I use OSPF dynamic routing on our Mikrotik RouterOSs.

I have two problems.

1. The OSPF Hello packets are broadcast out every interface even though I only have it setup on one interface. How can I stop this.

2. the OSPF route advertising does not get summarised. Every dynamically connected customer has a /32 route advised upstream. I would like to advertise the POOL address if possible and also support summarisation

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 9:38 pm
by eflanery
To stop the excess Hello packets, you can set the interface you don't want them on to have extremely high timers (dosen't stop it, but makes it a non-issue). Or, you can block them in the output firewall chain.

For route summarization of dynamic pools, I do this:

Create a bridge with no member ports (loopback).
Place a tiny (/30) non-routable subnet on that loopback.
Set a route for the entire dynamic pool via a non-existant non-routable on the loopback subnet.
Make sure that route gets announced via OSPF.
Set the local IP for the PPP profile to something that does _NOT_ get announced via OSPF.
Set the reomte IP for the PPP profile to use the pool.

The only problem I've had with this is static customers, who I do want a /32 route to be announced for, require an individual /32 network entry for OSPF. (which is a pain)

This was a major P.I.T.A. to get working, and involved several days of trial and error.

Proper summarization would be nice, but is fairly complex, and I have had many problems getting it to work on most OSPF routers. Only on Cisco have I actually had it work the way I want, and even then it put too much of a load on the poor little thing.
