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Dude's ping function rtt differs from command line ping rtt
Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 2:01 pm
by Dutch
I monitor the ping round trip time from the Dude 3.4 server to ip address
There seems to be a 5/6ms difference between the Dude's ping and a ping from the Windows command prompt.
Windows ping reports a steady 21-22ms rtt, Dude reports a steady 15ms.
Any thoughts where the difference is coming from?

Re: Dude's ping function rtt differs from command line ping rtt
Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 10:13 pm
by guille4
the difference is minimal.
Sounds like The Dude is more efficient than Windows !!

Re: Dude's ping function rtt differs from command line ping rtt
Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 9:57 am
by Dutch
the difference is minimal.
Sounds like The Dude is more efficient than Windows !!

Yes sure looks like that

, but in networking and computing it isn't, have seen applications perform significantly poorer when 5ms latency was added to the rtt
If I ping another site (60 miles away) Windows ping reports 4ms rtt, Dude reports 0ms rtt (wish for that 0ms to be true), so looks to me there is something not adding up in the Dude's Ping function
Re: Dude's ping function rtt differs from command line ping rtt
Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 5:31 pm
by lebowski
On 2k3 sp2 pings are usually way higher than reality.
There is no way that bocofps1 is 30 ms away. It is Gigabit Ether channel connected.
Interestingly enough bocofps2 is 0ms away... They are on the same switch.
It has never been more than 1ms away but over the year the dude is crazy
Maybe the next version will fix this.
Re: Dude's ping function rtt differs from command line ping rtt
Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 5:25 pm
by Dutch
Thanks SD, giving up on the ping function for now
Created a ping program which returns the right rtt value.
Now trying to fit that in a function.
Re: Dude's ping function rtt differs from command line ping
Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 3:15 pm
by abouton
Hello all,
would it be possible to get the code for that ping probe.
I have been trying to create a probe showing the rtt but I am quite new to this and not very successfull as yet.
An example would be welcome.
Re: Dude's ping function rtt differs from command line ping
Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 1:44 am
by lebowski
Here is the code to add to a function;
You can call the function by name in a probe...
Re: Dude's ping function rtt differs from command line ping
Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 10:13 am
by abouton
Hi Lebowski,
thanks for the reply... I actually did find out my error.
I was getting a "parse error" all the time and was wondering why, actually it's because I forgot to put "" (empty string) in the error field.
I can now see the RTT alright!
thanks very much for your input.
Re: Dude's ping function rtt differs from command line ping
Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 4:40 pm
by lebowski
Good news!

Re: Dude's ping function rtt differs from command line ping
Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 10:14 pm
by _Sheriff_
Can anyone tell me how to graph ping multiple devices on a single graph?
which function to use?
Re: Dude's ping function rtt differs from command line ping
Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 4:52 pm
by lebowski
Either add a bunch of devices to a chart or manually build different ping probes with the IP address specified for the target and add them all to one device. Chart would be easier.
Re: Dude's ping function rtt differs from command line ping
Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 9:37 am
by Nitrogenium
Here is the code to add to a function;
You can call the function by name in a probe...
Please help me a bit,
i added this in "Function" with name RTT
Now what have to do in "Probes"? There are some blank rows to fill like Available, Error, Value, Unit.... and....
Re: Dude's ping function rtt differs from command line ping
Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 7:45 pm
by lebowski
Create a new probe, give it a name, select type function.
In available put your RTT function or call the function directly like below.
Do the same thing for error and value. Value is what is graphed.
I just took a guess as to how yours should look.
Available: RTT()<>""
error: if (RTT()< 120,"","high latency")
value: RTT()
HighLatency - Probe_2011-05-16_10-35-54.png