Hey folks,
Been trying to make this vmware appliance work. The time I have spent repairing it I probably should have spent installing it on my own distro. Ho Hum!
I am down to my final problem.
In /home/proxylizer there sits a file called mysql.pipe
If this file has wrong permissions then you will see in /var/log/proxylizer/webproxytodb_debug.log an error that says cannot access the file.
So, I found the file with ownership of root:adm when I first installed. And nothing works.
When I change that ownership to proxylizer:proxylizer things start to work.
HOWEVER, and this is my quesiton: If ever I reboot the server some process resets the ownership of that file back to root:adm and proxylizer stops working.
Does any body know what process does that, and where the script is located so I can try to modify it?
Now this is clearing up I see another error in the debug log. Invalid IP address. Some more verbosity in those logs would help! Sigh.
P.s. I am not an SQL guy at all....