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what is the correct syntax for rate-limit in user-manager?

Wed Oct 21, 2009 12:22 am

i am trying to set rate-limit=128k upload 256k download, 256 upload burst and 512k download burst.
so set 6 rate-limit=128k/256k/256k/512k
but i get invalid rate-limit

from the manual:

Rate limitation in form of rx-rate[/tx-rate] [rx-burst-rate[/tx-burst-rate] [rx-burst-threshold[/tx-burst-threshold] [rx-burst-time[/tx-burst-time] [priority] [rx-rate-min[/tx-rate-min]]]] from the point of view of the router

any idea what i am doing wrong?
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Re: what is the correct syntax for rate-limit in user-manager?

Wed Oct 21, 2009 12:54 am

try setting using bits per second (i.e. 256kbs would be entered as 256000). i dont think the syntax will accept it any other way
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Re: what is the correct syntax for rate-limit in user-manager?

Wed Oct 21, 2009 12:58 am

There's no slash between the rate limit and the burst, there's a space - at least for the RADIUS attribute itself. So if User Manager supports this at all, try this:
set 6 rate-limit="128k/256k 256k/512k"
The CLI does accept that as far as syntax goes. I have no idea if it will be evaluated right as I don't really user User Manager.
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Re: what is the correct syntax for rate-limit in user-manager?

Wed Oct 21, 2009 2:28 am

sweet that worked, thank you!!!