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License problem in V4.2!

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 9:42 pm
by warwickw
I upgraded the other day, 8 days or so ago, from 3.30 to version 4.2 on a RB333 routerboard, after doing the update license key to get the new lincese key format.

All was fine for 5 days, until 3 days ago when the tower went down, rebooted the unit, and it says it needs to be licensed when logging into Winbox.

I then logged a support issue with support[a] received a tracking/ref number, Ticket#2009110366000496, then but since then I have heard nothing back, doubled checked the spam box on Google Apps nothing there.

Its now 3 days later tower had obviously shutdown as a Level 0 license it defaulted to expired after 24 hours, I've netinstalled 3.30 back onto the box and restored my backup file, this is great however I can not keep going to the tower every 24 hours to do this.

Please Mikrotik help me here, its getting critical. How do I get the license back again, and why are you not attending to critical license issues in a timely manor? I also submitted a case via logging onto the license website.

Re: License problem in V4.2!

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 5:51 am
by surfergeek
So, I'm not the only one not getting support from MT. I feel for you dude. I've just upgraded from 4.1 to 4.2 and have similar issues. Can't get a reply from them. Been sending requests for 2 days now.
Someone needs to get on the ball.

Re: License problem in V4.2!

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 1:04 pm
by warwickw
Yup, this is getting a little ridiculous. Just had to netinstall the board again and restore backups. I don't want to have to do this the whole weekend.

Come on MT whats going on?

Re: License problem in V4.2!

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 11:24 pm
by staack
I had the same issue a couple weeks back. It took a minute for MT to get the problem resolved and to get back to me. But it is all good now. I am not sure what the problem was. Here is the response I received when I asked what happened:
It does not happen every time, there is one very specific case, when such
problem can occur. However we are not able to determine all the reasons, when it could happen.
That's why it is very important, that you give as much detailed information as
possible if such problem will happen again. So we can see what can cause the problem.


Re: License problem in V4.2!

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 9:41 am
by warwickw
This is getting ridiculous, are MT still around or is there a national week long holiday in Latvia?

Re: License problem in V4.2!

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 2:52 pm
by warwickw
:cry: sigh, come on MT give me an answer....

Re: License problem in V4.2!

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:51 pm
by normis
did you follow the instructions in the huge popup on more specifically - upgrade the bootloader, and update the key before upgrade to v4.2 ?

I will make sure somebody answers you, it's been very busy as we had a MUM happening last week, sorry about that.

Re: License problem in V4.2!

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 1:25 pm
by warwickw
Yes bootloader and the key was updated and rebooted, before I upgraded to 4.2

4.2 worked for a total of 5 days without issues, and then suddenly it died and when rebooted it had no license!

Re: License problem in V4.2!

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 2:00 pm
by normis
did you log in with Winbox during that time? If the license update would be unsuccessful, it would tell you that you have 72 hours to fix this issue. 5 days is a strange time, too long to be license related. maybe it was something else that killed the license? power surge that corrupted the NAND?

Re: License problem in V4.2!

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 3:44 pm
by warwickw
Winbox never complained at all, even double checked the license there all was fine.

All I can think is something corrupted the nand, I will be back at the tower later tonight and will verify the key's and send them in again.


Re: License problem in V4.2!

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 6:12 pm
by warwickw
Can someone please look at the support ticket I raised. Ticket#2009110366000496

I've answered Janis's questions 24 hours ago and resent the email again 3 hours again.

What must I do?????