We tested RB750 (for usability in our project) and we discovered "kernel failure" by heavy load trough configured hw switch. We reproduce it on second RB750 unit, it looks like a bug.
Configuration of tested RB750:
/system reset-configuration no-defaults=yes skip-backup=yes;
/interface ethernet set ether4 master-port=ether5;
Test environment:
ether1 of RB750 - connected to LAN, one Winbox connection to RB750
ether4 of RB750 - connected to ether1 RB433AH, v3.22,
ether5 of RB750 - connected to ether1 RB433AH, v3.24,
both RB433AH was in clear state (/system reset-configuration no-defaults=yes) with only IP assigned.
Test launching on RB433AH with IP
/tool bandwidth-test protocol=udp direction=both local-udp-tx-size=1460 remote-udp-tx-size=1460
Test results:
- traffic trough RB7500 was growing up from zero to cca 96Mbps (both direction) and stay on this level, cca 8000pps (both direction)
- after 20-25s of running test communication trough hw switch was interrupted, communication with RB750 via ether2, ether3, ether4 and ether5 was not more possible (only via ether1)
- after next cca 20-60s RB750 was automatically rebooted
- after login to rebooted RB750 there was echo on terminal with log messages:
jan/02/1970 00:00:12 system,error,critical System rebooted because of kernel failure
jan/02/1970 00:00:12 system,error,critical router rebooted without proper shutdown, probably power outage
Test we did more time on two RB750 unit, always with the same result. Only time to automatically reboot was different.