I have putty portable (http://portableapps.com/apps/internet/putty_portable) and WinSCP Portable(http://portableapps.com/apps/internet/winscp_portable) located on my dude server under \\dude\tools
So, be putting this line in SSH tool
Code: Select all
cmd /C (IF NOT EXIST \\dude\tools (start z:\usr\bin\gnome-terminal -e "ssh [Device.FirstAddress]" )) && IF EXIST \\dude\tools start \\dude\tools\PuTTYPortable\PuTTYPortable.exe [Device.FirstAddress]
Same for sftp
Code: Select all
cmd /C (IF NOT EXIST \\dude\tools (start z:\usr\bin\nautilus sftp://[Device.FirstAddress] )) && IF EXIST \\dude\tools start \\dude\tools\WinSCPPortable\WinSCPPortable.exe %USERNAME%@[Device.FirstAddress]
WIndows RDP(remote desktop protocol)
Code: Select all
cmd /C (IF NOT EXIST \\dude\tools (start z:\usr\bin\rdesktop -k en-us -g workarea [Device.FirstAddress] )) && IF EXIST \\dude\tools start "" mstsc /v:[Device.FirstAddress]