Tools Thread
Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 9:05 pm
Lets share some our custom tools!
I have putty portable ( and WinSCP Portable( located on my dude server under \\dude\tools
So, be putting this line in SSH tool
we get ssh client both on Windows and Linux(under wine)
Same for sftp
You can use %USERNAME%@ for using your current windows login name as login to server, or don't.
WIndows RDP(remote desktop protocol)
here \\dude\tools folder existens checked to determine windows on linux currently under dude client. If you know better way to check this, i be happy to hear it
I have putty portable ( and WinSCP Portable( located on my dude server under \\dude\tools
So, be putting this line in SSH tool
Code: Select all
cmd /C (IF NOT EXIST \\dude\tools (start z:\usr\bin\gnome-terminal -e "ssh [Device.FirstAddress]" )) && IF EXIST \\dude\tools start \\dude\tools\PuTTYPortable\PuTTYPortable.exe [Device.FirstAddress]
Same for sftp
Code: Select all
cmd /C (IF NOT EXIST \\dude\tools (start z:\usr\bin\nautilus sftp://[Device.FirstAddress] )) && IF EXIST \\dude\tools start \\dude\tools\WinSCPPortable\WinSCPPortable.exe %USERNAME%@[Device.FirstAddress]
WIndows RDP(remote desktop protocol)
Code: Select all
cmd /C (IF NOT EXIST \\dude\tools (start z:\usr\bin\rdesktop -k en-us -g workarea [Device.FirstAddress] )) && IF EXIST \\dude\tools start "" mstsc /v:[Device.FirstAddress]