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Username without password using Hotspot

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 12:40 am
by riaanmaree
Sorry for asking before trying;

We would like to use Usermanager and Hotspot at various sites but generate vouchers. The vouchers will not be a username and password, but just a single 'voucher' field.

Would we be able to create users (random voucher numbers) in User Manager without passwords and edit the login HTML on Hotspot to only ask for the voucher/username and removing the password field?

I saw a previous post about not being able to create a batch of users without passwords. Have this been fixed? For preprinted vouchers we will use this and need the passwords to stay blank.

Any other recomendations on how to do our setup?

Thank you in advance

Re: Username without password using Hotspot

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 2:12 am
by fewi
- AFAIK you cannot batch create blank passwords via the User Manager web interface. You can batch create users and then use a one line script from the command line to set the password to blank (or set the same password on all accounts)
- you'd edit the login.html for the Hotspot and make the password form field type hidden, and set the common password as a value.

Re: Username without password using Hotspot

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 11:53 am
by riaanmaree
Thanks. That will work 100% for me.

Could you paste the HTML here to hide the password field if it has for example '12345' as the password?

Thank you

Re: Username without password using Hotspot

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 7:58 pm
by fewi
<input name="password" type="password">

Find the line in the original login.html that contains that (the line will contain more key/value pairs for that field. Swap out the below leaving the other pairs intact:

<input name="password" type="hidden" value="12345">

Re: Username without password using Hotspot

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 6:19 pm
by riaanmaree
Thanks for the advice!

Re: Username without password using Hotspot

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 11:30 am
by jamilrahim
Yes, it works like a charm.
But how to make it not to stop for user input for OK?

Re: Username without password using Hotspot

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 6:53 pm
by fewi
I'm not sure I understand the question. You have vouchers. The users will have to input the vouchers.

If you need a hotspot that doesn't ask for ANY credentials, you can do so, but must use the same credentials for every user. You simply create a Hotspot user with the user profile and other parameters you want and edit login.html to look like this:
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=/login?username=USERNAME&password=PASSWORD" />
Edit: that will never show a login page. If you want a login page that logs the user in after 5 seconds, change the 0 in the content tab to the number of seconds to wait before auto-login and stuff that line into the 'head' section of a login.html showing whatever you want to show for a moment.

Re: Username without password using Hotspot

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 3:33 am
by jamilrahim
Thanks fewi... 8)
It works like a charm.
This is what I am searching for.
Thanks again.

Re: Username without password using Hotspot

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 3:41 pm
by theviper0308
- AFAIK you cannot batch create blank passwords via the User Manager web interface. You can batch create users and then use a one line script from the command line to set the password to blank (or set the same password on all accounts)
- you'd edit the login.html for the Hotspot and make the password form field type hidden, and set the common password as a value.
hye guru, can you teach this noobs how to do that?
thanks.. :(

Re: Username without password using Hotspot

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 7:44 pm
by nielsbos
The solution here works just fine, but what about encryption? If I'm not mistaken, the MD5 with chap works only with the password, not the username. Anyone sniffing the WIFI would have instant access as they can see the username as plain text, allowing them to hijack. I'm facing the same issue, so I think only SSL/HTTPS would be an option here. If anyone has a solution, I'm very interested!!!


Re: Username without password using Hotspot

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2016 12:38 pm
by achillealb
- AFAIK you cannot batch create blank passwords via the User Manager web interface. You can batch create users and then use a one line script from the command line to set the password to blank (or set the same password on all accounts)
- you'd edit the login.html for the Hotspot and make the password form field type hidden, and set the common password as a value.
You can give the script o set the password to blank

Re: Username without password using Hotspot

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 9:10 am
by hossam
I am from iraq i have r.b 912 suffering from it because the CCQ is not stable please help me

Re: Username without password using Hotspot

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 12:18 pm
by net4g
Hi All

I have a hotspot wherein the first page login.html is for registration of new users, the user enters his details and chooses his username. the password is sent to him by email and sms.

My second page (login2.html) is our standard mikrotik login page format having fields for username and password.

At the end of the first registration page the user is redirected to the seond page by calling

Till here it is working fine.

To avoid reentering the username i made the call as

But this is not working. Kindly help.

Regards and thanks

Re: Username without password using Hotspot

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 5:34 pm
by drumme
Hi All

I have a hotspot wherein the first page login.html is for registration of new users, the user enters his details and chooses his username. the password is sent to him by email and sms.

My second page (login2.html) is our standard mikrotik login page format having fields for username and password.

At the end of the first registration page the user is redirected to the seond page by calling

Till here it is working fine.

To avoid reentering the username i made the call as

But this is not working. Kindly help.

Regards and thanks
Hi. can you please send me your script? i need your exact setup here too. thanks. send to or paste it here.

Re: Username without password using Hotspot

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 5:51 am
by adonato
Hello To All!!!.
Sorry por opening this post again but I found it by search box and I think was a great solution for me.

I have a small hotel with 10 rooms and I use Hotspot Login, but for do it more easy for my guess I would Like to use only a "pin" for login.
Today I have One user per Room with Shared 4 in user profile. That user created can be used for my guess in the room up to 4 devices.
So my idea it's remove username and password from login.html and only leave a PIN area to enter the pin and surf in the web.
But the problem it's that I have one user created for each room so I think the solution was to edit the login and hide the password area with value password 1234 and change the username area for PIN and there I can see every user in the winbox active and see everything for each user but the problem it's that username area will connect with mikrotik in plain text and that will be a security problem.

Have anyone any Idea?