I need some help with this problem. I have a very large deployment (10000 customers) that we are outfitting with MAC-authenticated Hotspot (Radius), MPLS/VPLS to a head end running the hotspot, and customers who have Vonage phone service with the new V-Portal device. I have had 3 complaints in a section of network that consists of about 1600 customers, and all 3 of those are related to the V-Portal device.
Does anybody have a Vonage V-Portal and s hotspot setup that they can test? The other detail is that the customers are connected back to the network with a Canopy radio and the MAC address being authenticated is that of the radio -- not the V-Portal device. The internet access works fine on the LAN side of it with no redirect occurring -- also they are showing active in the Hotspot. I have tried using another VoIP service with a Linksys PAP2T and it works fine, and as well when checking ARP entries and DHCP requests we do have quite a few Sipura hosts on the network, so I know it can be isolated to this particular box.
Any help can be appreciated.
edit: I got my hands on a Vonage V-Portal and the issue is confirmed. There is an issue that causes the V-Portal to error out on DNS queries. The packet dumps also clearly show that the box tries to send SYSLOG updates to a Vonage server notifying them that the box couldn't do DNS queries.
The next part is more interesting though. When Hotspot is turned off, the box continued to error out. I changed the DHCP pool to hand off different DNS servers and it started working. Once hotspot was turned on, those DNS servers started being reported as having errors as well. Turned off Hotspot, and once more the box wouldn't link.
So I don't know if there were changes made in version 4 that do something to affect DNS, but it does block the Vonage V-Portal from getting DNS queries answered. When I switched back to 3.30 the hotspot works fine with these boxes though.
Can anybody at MT tell me if there is something I can provide in order to help assist in this issue? I must return the box promptly to its rightful owner.