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Using satelite for downlink and existing line for uplink
Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 1:44 pm
by galimuna
I wanted to hear some ideas about my problem
I'm using Mikrotik 2.8 and I have 3 interfaces/subnets, one is the subnet of the ISP the second is the subnet of my wireless LAN and the third is the subnet of my LAN...
I have now 2 ways how I get the internet, 1 is the existing line that I have and the 2-nd one is just the downlink via satellite. I want that every user of the wireless LAN and LAN to use the satellite for downlink and the existing line for uplink.
The way how I get the downlink is via SkyStar2 PCI card and for that I didn't found the driver to use it on Mikrotik so I installed it on a WinXP box... Now I want to do any link between mikrotik and that win box. I can use the satellite only when I configure on Internet Options the proxy settings but I want that to be configured on Mikrotik... because I don't have nerves to configure more than 200 Laptops in my wireless LAN
. I did a drawing of my current situation
If someone has any idea please write it here
Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 9:05 pm
by taloot
ohh my like my configuration i m in saudi arabia
very easy to do 1st upgrade to 2.9
after u upgrade it you need to do 2 active gateways one to ur isp the other to ur windoesxp with skystar....done
make sure you can ping both gateways from client pc....done
then go to ip firewall mangle and make prerouting for dst-port yiu want to ues it for the satellite mark pcacket dont
then go to ip interface and add the mark for gateway you want it to ues the same specific mark
Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 1:06 pm
by galimuna
Thanks, but can I upgrade from 2.8 to 2.9rc with my license key ? or do I need another one?
Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 1:19 pm
by cmit
As long as you are in your upgrade period, you can upgrade to 2.9RC with your existing key...
Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 4:08 pm
by galimuna
Thats great, and what about my configuration and my hotspot users? can u just restore my backup on 2.9RC?
Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 5:17 pm
by cmit
Wouldn't bet on that - 2.9 is VERY different in some areas, so you will at least have to review all of your config after upgrading to 2.9. And downgrading back to 2.8.x won't be absolutely 100%, too (probably). So if you want to consider that as a fall-back you should have a config backup or export at hand...
Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 5:51 pm
by bax
I have same situation before few months .
The most easy way is this:
On your XP machine instal SQUID NT setup corectly , check that download go from satelit , and then enable web proxy (also squid) on your mikrotik and use parent proxy ... IP of your XP machine .
In this way all http and ftp will go via satelite ...
Here is squid for NT
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 9:23 am
by napairnetworks
i have the same scenario but it will not work with installing sqid on XP machine becaouse the Satelite Link itsef works on Proxy scenario so what am i currently trying to do is
- configuring mt as a transparent proxy
- with parent proxy (directing it to a win machine)
- firewall dst nat rule.
Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 2:37 pm
by franco
I want to use Satellite DSL for Download and my SDSL connection for Upload.
I dont understand how i can do this.
Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 6:03 pm
by maroon
Hey Franco
it's so easy
on the windows box, install ISA server or any other proxy server... use upstream proxy to download, or if you have full route IP, don't use the upstream proxy... just natting with RRAS....
on Mikrotik... ur parent proxy is the ISA server and enable the transparent proxy.. on dst-nat create a rule with redirect action to ISA's proxy port ...
for example: dst-add:!x.x.x.x/32 prot: tcp dst-port:80 action: redirect to-dst-port: 8080 or 3128 it depends on the proxy's port u have on ISA ...
tht's all
ggood luck
Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 9:56 am
by franco
Thank you for your answer.
I haven't windows Box.
I have a Linux Box. It's run at freeradius and apache server.
Can I use linux machine, too??
Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 6:41 pm
by maroon
ok dude
try downloading the squid proxy on ur linux and check if there any upstream routing option with it... cause I haven't used squid before .. so if you find this option with squid. . your problem is solved i'm quite sure
need more help... don't hesitate
and by the way I dunno if there is a driver for pent@ or whatever download reciever you have compatible with linux
goodl luck
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 10:07 pm
by smutsnic
hi taloot,
I'm having trouble following your instructions can you please print the mangle rules from your terminal for me?